Chapter 25

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I rushed out of the crowded living room, stifling the tears that threatened to spill. What gall those harpies had, ganging up on me like a pack of hyenas! And Mark, the smug snake, still slithering through the grass seeking new ways to torment me.

As I stepped out onto the balcony, the cool night air soothed my flushed cheeks. Taking a few deep breaths, I gazed out at the sprawling grounds below, lit up like an amusement park. Somewhere out there in the darkness, Leo played happily unaware of Mama's embarrassment. What I wouldn't give to trade places with that carefree boy!

My solitude was soon disturbed by the sound of hushed bickering. Peering over, I spotted Mckenna arguing with someone down in the garden below. As my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I recognized the figure, that insufferable lacrosse player from my first pool party here. What was his name, Chad? Brad? Who cares.

I leaned over further, eager for a distraction from my own troubles.

Their argument grew more heated, with Chomsky or whatever waving his hands dramatically while McKenna scowled and folded her arms tightly.

Their voices carried through the open French doors of the mansion, which overlooked the front yard, where several people stood chatting or playing games. My eyes caught a glimpse of my ex-husband. He was sitting on a bench, watching me with a knowing smirk on his face. The sight of him made heat rise in my chest again. I hate that man.

Turning back, I saw Mckenna storm off in another direction before heading towards the tennis courts. I watched her go, with that guy following her heels. His expression morphed into one of disgust as he watched her skip away across the grass. 

"What's his problem?" I grumbled under my breath, as I resumed my position overlooking the lawns. It was then Mckenna turned to leave the tennis court, but the moment she started walking away, this Chad guy called to her. She ignored him. Instead, he reached around her shoulder to grab her arm, pulling her forcefully in the opposite direction. She stumbled forward, falling over in the process.

Chad's hand gripped her elbow tightly, pinning it to her side. The look on his face told me they were having  a spat, and not one I wanted to stick around to see.

Mackenna tried squirming away from his grasp. But to no avail. She got up and pulled herself free from his grip, then spun on her heel to face him. He raised his voice, "Listen to me! You're being an idiot!"

She threw her hands up in frustration, stomping towards Chad. He grabbed her wrist again in an attempt to keep her still, when she suddenly yanked hard, forcing him to release her. I watched her run away, until Chad called after her.

"Come back here, you little bitch," he yelled, grabbing at her shoulder. I tensed, waiting for the inevitable slap. However, as Chad continued to shout at her, Mackenna stopped running, and instead stood facing him with a challenging stare, her arms crossed defensively against her chest.

A few sharp words were exchanged before he suddenly reached out and shoved her hard in the chest! Losing her balance on the uneven ground, McKenna stumbled backwards with a cry. But there was nothing but empty air behind her to save her as she toppled over the hedge with a muffled shriek.

I gasped, slapping a hand to my mouth. Without thinking, I rushed down the marble stairs, nearly twisting an ankle in my haste. Darting around the side of the mansion, I found the lout standing frozen above the spot where McKenna had disappeared.

"What have you done?!" I shrieked, startling Chomsky out of his stupor. His head swiveled toward me, jaw flapping mutely like a fish. Following his gaze to the ground below, I glimpsed McKenna sprawled at the base of the hedge, ominously still.

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