Chapter 19

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The next morning I awoke with a pounding headache and puffy eyes, no doubt a souvenir from the wine and tears of last night. Leo was still sleeping soundly. I crept out of his room, shutting the door quietly behind me.

As I rummaged through the cabinets for some aspirin, a knock sounded at the front door. It was early yet and I was in no state for company, but curiosity got the better of me. Peering through the peephole, I saw Penny waving merrily. Great, just the person I didn't want to see me looking like death warmed over.

I pulled open the door, mustering my brightest smile. "Good morning! What brings you by so early?"

Penny eyed me knowingly. "You look positively ghastly, dear. Rough night?"

I groaned. "You could say that. Wine, tears, bad dreams - it was quite the emotional marathon."

She tutted sympathetically. "I thought as much after your ordeal yesterday. Which is why I'm here - I come bearing pastries and strong coffee to get you upright and functioning."

My stomach rumbled at the mention of food. I stood aside to let her breeze past in a flurry of chiffon and Chanel No. 5, arms laden with necessities.

As Penny got to work in the tiny kitchenette, I perched on a barstool watching her flit about like an elegant hummingbird. She clearly took as much pleasure in fussing over others as gossiping - a dangerous combination.

"So," she trilled, shoving a piping hot mug into my hands. "Tell me everything. I want all the sordid details you left out last night in your distressed state. Oh wait, your cottage!!! It looks like a fairy tale home since the last time I visited...Clara?".

I sighed, taking a bracing sip. The coffee was so rich and strong I feared it may combust my damaged insides. But it was just what I needed to power through rehashing the previous day's trauma.

So I launched into a blow-by-blow retelling, leaving no detail of Maya's bathroom bitch-slap. Penny punctuated it with many an "oh my!" and "the nerve of her!"

When I got to the part about Skylar's letters, she gasped like a Victorian maiden hearing an off-color jest. "The plot thickens! Well don't keep me in suspense - what did they say?"

I shook my head ruefully. "You'll have to wait for the full revelation... I'm afraid. I'm still processing it all myself."

Penny huffed, loading a plate high with pastries. "You drive a hard bargain, missy. But I suppose I'll survive the suspense..." She eyed me shrewdly. "Will you go see him then? Demand answers once and for all?"

I sighed. As tempting as confrontation was, I knew it would only drag me further into drama. And Leo and I had witnessed enough of that to last a lifetime.

"No, I think some space is best for now," I said, selecting a steaming croissant. "Maybe in time, once things settle, we can be friendly. But for my own sanity I need to steer clear of that toxic triangle as much as possible."

Penny nodded approvingly. "Wise choice. You've certainly got your work cut out for you keeping that hellion Maya in line without stooping to her level of dramatics."

I had to laugh at that. "Thank god Penny you're on my side then. I have a feeling I'll need all the protection from the court of public opinion that you can provide."

Penny brightened then. "That reminds me—Walter and I are having a few folks over this weekend for a little get-together. Nothing fancy, just drinks and snacks in the garden. You and Leo must come!"

I hesitated. Socializing was the last thing I felt like doing. But Penny took my hand earnestly. "Please say you'll come. It will do you good to get your mind off things for a bit. And I so enjoy your company."

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