Chapter 24

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"So get this - I checked the public records, and you're right that something doesn't add up with Mark's purchase of Penny's place." Jane's voice squeaked through the speaker.

I sat up straighter. "Go on..."

"The sale was super rushed, closed in under a week which is highly unusual," Jane explained. "And get this - the listed purchase price was over 30k under market value. Major red flag there."

"Didn't I tell you Mark was up to no good," I muttered angrily. "He always has to have some kind of angle."

Jane made a considering noise. "My instinct says he probably bribed or blackmailed the seller somehow. But without direct evidence, there's not much that can be done legally."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Typical. Mark finds a loophole as always." I knew trying to fight him through official channels was unlikely to go anywhere. "Thanks for looking into it, Jane. At least now I know for sure he's up to his old tricks."

"You're welcome. And don't lose hope - I'll keep digging and see what else turns up," Jane assured me.

As I turned to head inside, Leo came running up with his stuffed rabbit trailing in one hand. "Mama, wait!" he cried, breathless from exertion.

I glanced back with an arched brow. "And where's the fire, my little speedster? I was just going in to start dinner."

Leo caught up and grabbed my sleeve with his free hand, almost toppling from the momentum. After regaining balance, he gazed up with wide, earnest eyes. "Mama, please don't be sad about Daddy."

I blinked in surprise. "Sad? Who said anything about being sad?"

Leo frowned, pouting in that adorably stubborn way of his. "I can tell. Your eyes get all little when you think about him."

Well damn, looks like my stellar poker face had finally met its match. This kid could read me like a book.

Patting Leo's mop of curls, I offered a tired smile. "You always were too perceptive for your own good, mister. But I'm okay, really. Just got stuck in my own head is all."

He wasn't so easily convinced, still wearing that adorably stubborn frown. "Well stop it! Daddy won't hurt us no more, I promise."

My heart swelled almost to the point of discomfort at his sweet sincerity and effort to allay my fears. Here he was, barely out of toddlerhood, trying to reassure his mother like a proper little gentleman. If this kid wasn't destined for greatness, I'd eat my left sock - sequins and all.

Crouching to his eye level, I traced his soft cheek with a finger. "How did you get to be so wise, my love? Mama's lucky to have such a thoughtful protector."

Leo beamed, his joy bursting like a bubbly champagne fountain at a second-rate celebrity wedding. Then cupping my face in his tiny palms almost comically, he stated with utmost solemnity, "Me and Bunny will keep you safe, don't worry!"

At that, I couldn't contain a snort of laughter. All stress and worry melted away in an instant, banished by my son's sweet innocence. What dark fate could possibly resist the power of a stuffed rabbit and an equally fluffy-haired boy? The forces of darkness didn't stand a ghost of a prayer against our dynamic defender duo.

Planting a sloppy kiss on Leo's forehead, still chuckling, I stood and ruffled his hair affectionately once more. "Well... in that case, consider me the safest damsel in all the land. Now come on, superspy - let's get you fed before you collapse from this... heroism."

With that, Leo grabbed my hand and began eagerly reenacting some imaginary mission to the kitchen, babbling a mile a minute.

Yet as I set about preparing a dinner of mac n cheese (gourmet, obviously - the kind with the crunchy breadcrumb topping), my mind inevitably wandered back to Mark. How I wished wringing his neck was as straightforward as an afternoon cartoon wrestling match. But sadly real life rarely provided such tidy resolutions.

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