Chapter 27

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A few days later, I arrived at Ethan's estate laden with containers of my homemade chicken noodle soup and apple crisp. The snow was coming down heavier than Skylar's complaints about his aching knees.

As the door swung open, a waft of potpourri assaulted my nostrils. Only Ethan's mansion could manage to smell both stuffy and flowery at once. Coughing discreetly, I made my way towards the sound of argumentative voices in the conservatory.

Skylar reclined dramatically on a chaise lounge, glass of merlot sloshing as he gesticulated with wild abandon. Meanwhile, Mildred the maid bustled about, tidying furniture he constantly mussed with his flailing limbs.

"For the last time, Dad, no hiking in this storm!" Ethan said in exasperation.

Skylar scoffed. "Nonsense, a little snow never killed anyone! I'm as fit as a butcher's dog - watch this!"

He launched into a series of leg raises that caused his paisley dressing gown to flap open inappropriately. I cleared my throat loudly.

"Clara my dear! Come save me from these philistines," cried Skylar, grabbing my hands. His palm felt like sandpaper against my wool mittens.

"Careful there...wouldn't want to strain something else now," I replied wryly, extricating myself from his grip. Turning to Ethan and Mildred, I held up my parcels. "Brought some home cooking to fortify you against the struggle of keeping this one entertained."

Mildred beamed, plump cheeks dimpling. "Oh, you darling girl... always looking out for us. Bless your kind soul." She took the containers with a motherly pat.

My cheeks warmed at the rare praise. Mildred could be stern as a schoolmarm when roused, but her heart was as big as her bosom. We exchanged a conspiratorial smile before she whisked away to the kitchen, Skylar's pleading cries for sympathy falling on deaf ears.

I settled into an armchair upholstered with peacocks displaying iridescent blue tails. Skylar wasted no time bombarding me with gossip.

"Did you hear? Olga down the lane eloped with the chimney sweep! Can you imagine the scandal," he crowed, nibbling biscotti with too-white dentures. Crumbs sprayed in a five-foot radius.

Ethan groaned. "Really Dad... must you gossip like an old biddy? No one actually cares that Olga ran off with Rufus."

Skylar ignored him, clearly on a roll. "And Jeanette's dogs had puppies, each even fluffier than the last! I simply must have one... maybe in taupe to match the drapes..."

He rambled on as Mildred reappeared with a tea service, porcelain clinking precariously on the tray's worn edges. She shot me an eye roll over the rim of her glasses that said 'see what I have to put up with?'

As Mildred poured, I gazed out the foggy windowpane at whirling snow devils dancing across the dead lawn. Winter could be dreary, but its quiet simplicity had a charm all its own.

My thoughts drifted to Leo bundled up cozy and warm at school, learning his science alongside chubby-cheeked friends.

I'd promised him we'd go ice skating in a few weeks if it wasn't too cold. He liked watching the flakes fall, and I loved seeing the wonder in his big brown eyes. I sighed and closed my eyes, picturing Leo in my head.

"Oh my," said Mildred. A loud pop followed, then another. Both men looked up with matching expressions of concern, and Mildred pointed at Skylar's glass of champagne and the empty wine bottle on the coffee table.

"Is that all?" Skylar asked, incredulous. "I swear I didn't touch anything-"

Mildred cut him off. "No, but please don't drink any more tonight," she scolded, bustling around to collect the empty glasses.

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