Chapter 7

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The sky looked like somebody upended a paint bucket and called it a masterpiece. I sipped my coffee and scrolled through the usual garbage on my phone, when suddenly - a notification!

It was from a chat called Harmony Honeys, which sounds like the name of a jar of locally made honey sold at the farmers market.

Apparently, Emily added me after I proved at the pool party that I know how to function in society without causing a mess or embarrassing myself. A quick scroll revealed the Honeys buzzing about like bees in springtime - weekend cabins in the woods, gossip at church, and oohing and aahing over kale varieties. It was all very charming, like a scene from a Hallmark movie. Something about their enthusiastic chatter gave me a strange urge to join in, even if being social isn't usually my strong suit.

Later that day another message dinged. It was from Maya, the queen bee of the Harmony Honeys. "Just wanted to WELCOME you!" she wrote, as if we were long-lost friends reuniting. She went on describing their club, The Harmony Hearts. What a coincidentally alliterative name! I can picture the logo now - a heart with little wings, flapping around raising money. At first, I wasn't keen on the idea. Maya's big flashy house, her daughter and her judgment yesterday, when I was leaving Ethan's house, left a bad taste. But then a thought struck me - this is Harmony Springs now, for me and Leo. And maybe, just maybe, getting to know the neighbors is key to feeling at home, even if it means dancing to Maya's tune like a marionette.

The memory of my virtually empty bank account after the divorce flashed in my mind. Everything went into this lavender cottage, a symbol of new beginnings. But Harmony Springs isn't just a roof - it's an opportunity to build a safe nest. So I took a deep breath, like sniffing last weekend's potluck one more time, and responded to Maya. "Thank you for the invite, I'd love to learn more about the Hearts." Hit send and slid my phone away, hoping I don't regret signing up for the Crafts & Catty Comments class.

A few days later was the big meeting. I walked up to the community center, taking in the bucolic scenery like I was on a countryside jaunt. Wildflowers bloomed and birds chirped, really laying it on thick. The historic building looked like a set piece from a period drama. I half expected to run into Matthew McConaughey chopping wood. Out front, the Harmony Honeys were huddled in their clique, gossiping faster than cicadas sing on a summer night. I hesitated, suddenly self-conscious. But before I could chicken out, Emily spotted me and waved enthusiastically, like we were long-lost best friends separated at birth. "Oh EM GEE, you made it!" she squealed, pulling me in for an overenthusiastic hug. I tried not to cringe at the force of her pep.

Maya greeted me with her thousand-watt smile, perfectly straight white teeth gleaming. "So glad you're here Clara, welcome to the coven—I mean club!" She let out a tinkling laugh that made me suspect she practiced in the mirror. I smiled weakly, hoping my discomfort wasn't too obvious. The other Honeys introduced themselves in a bubbly blur. Courtney with her yoga pants and perfectly tousled blonde hair, Jenn with her Instagrammable outfits, and a few others I instantly forgot because I was too busy scoping out exit strategies in case disaster struck. There were also Sarah, Diane, and Olivia as usual clinging to Maya. 

We piled into the community center where I spotted banquet-style tables draped in patriotic bunting. A podium stood at the front below a projected PowerPoint titled Hearts Meet GOALS. Yeesh. I braced myself for an evening of passionate fundraising pep talks, team-building exercises, and sickly sweet desserts. Maya clapped her manicured hands to get our attention. "Alright ladies, time to get to work planning our FALL HARVEST FESTIVAL!"

She began laying out plans like a crazed event coordinator, mapping out tasks with laser focus. The others nodded along attentively, chiming in with suggestions. I watched in disbelief, mildly impressed by their dedication but also slightly frightened by her tightly controlled people. When they started assigning roles I perked up, worried I'd end up in charge of the stuffed animal safari booth or worse, the dunk tank. But Maya smiled at me. "Great idea sharing at the meeting Clara! We'd love you to head up the bake sale."

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