Chapter 14

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As Ethan and I walked out of the principal's office, I couldn't help but notice all the eyes on us. Okay, let me rephrase - all the eyes were on Ethan. It was kind of insane, the way people were gawking at him. I mean, he is really good-looking and all, but this was on a whole other level. It was like they were looking at a movie star or something. I saw a group of giggling freshmen whispering and pointing, the soccer guys in the corner giving him nods of approval, even some of the teachers did a double take.

It was kinda thrilling to be walking next to the object of everyone's affection, I had to admit. Like, hey random people at school, back off - this hot piece of arm candy is all mine! Not that Ethan is a piece of anything. He was so much more than a pretty face. But I had to say, that pretty face was definitely helping me and Leo feel more popular by association right now.

Anyway, Ethan had his fingers touching mine as we strolled through the halls like we owned the place. Which, after today, it kinda felt like we did! All those jerks who were giving us trouble were now cowering in the corner while we strutted by like bosses. It was pretty satisfying. Some kids even flinched when he made eye contact with them, eek! I wondered what rumors were flying around the rumor mill about why he stormed into the principal's office today. Whatever it was, I was sure it was more dramatic than the truth.

I could feel the electric spark every time our hands touched. It was like my entire arm was buzzing with excitement.

All the times we've held hands before, I didn't think I really took the time to notice how much I loved the feeling of his skin on mine. But now it was all I could focus on. His palms were a little rough from working in the vineyard, but his fingers were surprisingly long and graceful which I had always loved about him.

I wondered if he played the piano or something- oh yes he does, piano, guitar, and my heartstrings. And he played with my pussy sometimes.

You'd think after months of dating, the tingles would've worn off. But nope, he still gave me major butterflies.

I nudged Ethan with my shoulder. "Feeling popular?" I asked with a smirk.

He chuckled. "Let them look. As long as I've got you by my side, I don't care what anyone else thinks."

We finally stopped in a quiet nook near the library. It was perfectly private and secluded. Great makeout spot potential for later, I noted - because priorities, amiright? As if he could read me, Ethan pulled me into the alcove and suddenly we were all tucked up close together.

Personal space? Don't know her.

I could feel myself starting to swoon a little at our proximity. Everything about him overwhelmed my senses - his woodsy cologne, the way his broad shoulders blocked out the rest of the world, the sheer male-ness radiating off of him. It was intoxicating. I had to remind myself to breathe like a normal human while he gazed down at me with those gorgeous green eyes.

"Clara, I need to ask you something." Uh oh, he was using his serious voice. This must be important. I nodded for him to continue, hoping my nerves didn't show too much.

"Why didn't you tell me how bad things had gotten?" he asked. "When I asked you how things were going, you said everything was fine." His eyes searched mine as if trying to unlock my secrets. Dang, he knew me too well already.

I looked down at our entwined fingers, suddenly finding the faded scuff mark on my Izod loafer very interesting. "I didn't want to worry you," I admitted meekly. "You've had enough on your plate with your brother and Dad."

Ethan lifted my chin gently so I had to meet his gaze again. "Clara, your problems are my problems now. We're family." His low voice sent a tingly shiver down my spine. "I want to be here for both of you, always."

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