Honesty Is The Best Medicine

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The nurse had returned with some ice water before Jin and Tae had come back. Jungkook refused to let my hand go.

"Here, try this. Drink slowly though, okay?" She encouraged. Once again I nodded and slowly sipped the water. It felt so good going down my throat. I took a few more sipps before Jungkook stopped me.

"Slowly baby, she said slowly." He said, deciding he should be the one to hold the small styrofoam cup again. I drank a little more.

"Feeling better enough to speak?" The nurse asked.

"Y.... ye-yes." I managed to get out but needed to drink some more. Jungkook kept me from guzzling the water down, which I was both thankful for and yet annoyed at. I felt like I needed a whole five gallon tank of water in order for my throat to feel better enough to speak normally.

"Take it easy, drink a little more and I'll go see if the doctor is ready for you yet. We were waiting on one of the tests we ran to come back. It shouldn't be too much longer. When you can speak though, there are some officers here who want to speak with you." She informed me. Just then, Jin and Taehyung came back into the room with their drinks. Jin handed Jungkook a coffee, but Jungkook just kept giving me a little water. Jin set the coffee for Jungkook on the rolling tray table. He nudged it over toward Jungkook so he would get the hint to drink some.

"Thank you, Nurse." Jungkook answered for me and The Nurse nodded and made her way out of the room.

"Did she give any more information?" Tae asked.

"Th..The baby?" I rasped out, my throat slowly getting better, but it hurt a little to talk.

"He's fine, Well.. we assume he's fine. See this thing around your middle? You didn't feel this here?" Jungkook asked. He smiled and patted my head. "They put this on to monitor him. He's a bit stressed but he's okay. He'll be fine. He's strong like his mama." Jungkook smiled, I smiled back, eyes slowly closing for a moment as I leaned back against the pillows helping to prop me up. .

"Like... his daddy." I absentmindedly said, I didn't realize I said it till Jungkook moved and looked at Jin. I noticed the two staring at each other and that's when it hit me....

"Jin.. I..." I wanted to speak but it was still tough.

"Rest, Ellie. The two of you can explain later. Right now all that matters is your health and the baby's health." Jin seemed calm... too calm one could say. We sat in silence for a bit, I ended up dozing off again and when I woke up, the doctor was entering the room.

"Hello there, have a good nap? It certainly seemed needed." He smiled as he looked over the chart in his hands. I was slightly worried as this wasn't my doctor.... But then I remembered that Dr. Silva knew Jungkook as the father of my baby. Which he was, I was sure of it.

"I... mmh" I took a deep breath and another sip before trying to speak again.

"I n....need to know what's going... on." I managed to get out. It was still tough to talk, but it was getting easier as I kept trying my best to talk.

"It's alright, don't force yourself to talk a lot at once.. You're throat is fine, it's only dry because we had the oxygen mask on you and sometimes that causes some people to have very dry throats. So dont' be alarmed by it. You were brought in by this gentleman here." He explained, pointing to Taehyung, I recalled that I texted him to pick me up and I remember him pulling up behind me while I was locking up for the night.

"He... came and got me but I..." I tried to talk a little more. "I don't know." I got out before reaching for Jungkook's hand for more water.

"I did go to pick her up from work. She had stayed late. I was slowing down near the parking lot and I saw a car there and three men were lifting Ellie up, she didn't look conscious. I scared them off and I got her in my car and brought her here." Taehyung told the Doctor.

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