A Day Off

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Tae knew how to have fun, how to enjoy the day. With nice weather and a list of things Tae wanted me to see and enjoy... the day started off with a walk around the park to feed some ducks and watch the swans teaching their young to swim. After that, we headed off to the arcade and roller rink where I... actually managed to not fall flat on my ass... I landed on Tae more often than not. Tae was pretty wobbly like me, so honestly... we were a mess, but we had fun. It was like hanging out with a friend or a little brother. Tae was so laid back and child-like in some ways, but he always made sure I was enjoying myself.

I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time. After some arcade games, Tae winning enough tickets to get me a baby doll to practice changing its diaper... which he thought was hilarious.
We grabbed a bite to eat at this burger place he knows.

"They have amazing burgers here. Trust me. I'm a burger connoisseur." Tae said with a proud smile as he pointed to himself. The waitress came over and Tae took my menu as I was just looking at it.

"What can I get you? Ah..." The woman said with a bright grin as she looked at Tae. "If it isn't our regular Mr. Honey-Bear." She laughed and patted his shoulder. He smiled happily and lifted his head with pride.

"Hi Auntie, Is Jiminie here?" Tae asked and the woman shook her head.

"Nope, he's with some friends. I'll tell him you came by." She offered a solution.

"Naw, I'll just text him. Anyway.. Auntie, I'll have the Sunny Bear Burger with extra pickles, and my Noona here will have the Sunny Cat Burger... make that kitty face as cute as you can too please.... Uh, no mayo. She doesn't like mayo." Tae ordered. I knew he wanted me to try this place so I was fine with him ordering for me. If it were left up to me... I'd be staring at the menu for the next two hours, unable to decide. I had issues deciding things.. My brain liked to make me think any choice I made would never be good enough.

"Alrighty, and what about drinks. You want your double mint chocolate shake?" She asked him. He nodded.

"Yes please, and a Strawberry dream smoothie for Noona." He said with a grin. The woman nodded and wrote it all down before heading back to the kitchen.

"She seems nice." I said as I watched her walk away.

"Yeah. This place has been in her family for years. Best Burger place here. She uh, well She Adopted Jimin when he was little. She's friends with my mom, So Jimin and I grew up together. Our parents knew Jin and JK's parents... and they tried to help Jin when he was left in charge of JK. Jin's awesome, and he's taken care of Jimin and I too, when our parents were not doing great. Ups and downs... everyone has them." He said with a soft sad smile. There was a lot more to Tae than his usual upbeat and smiley self. He was a really good friend though.

Our food and drinks came, the same happy-go-lucky older woman brought them out to us.

" Here you go. Just holler if you need anything else." She said as she gave us our food and reached over to ruffle Taehyung's hair. He laughed along with her and petted his hair down as she walked away.

"Dig in. and don't you dare say you're still full from breakfast." Tae teased.

"Alright, alright." I replied, digging in and biting into the burger he ordered me. It had a cute kitty face drawn on it with sauce. The cheese was nice and melted, the lettuce was crisp and so were the tomato and pickles. Tae laughed as he watched me dive in. Taking one bite and another to try and fit this big burger into my mouth.

"It's good, isn't it? The best ever, right?" He asked, then took a big bite of his burger. I could only nod and he smiled and held back his laughter as he chewed his food. We ate for a bit and unfortunately it was that time in our friendship for Tae to ask the questions I almost always avoided.

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