The Good Ones

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"You look like hell, here, let me pay for breakfast." Sonjia said with her usual warm smile.

"Thanks... I didn't sleep too well last night." I said as we walked out of the cafe near work.

"Well you need your sleep, maybe get a top mattress to help?" She asked.

"No, it's a location issue I think." I said as we walked into our work space. Everyone else was busy, J had a customer on the phone and Tae was assisting him.

"Location? Didn't you find a place over on 42nd?" Sonjia asked.

"There were places... nice places.. But completely out of my price range." I replied.

"Well, where are you living then?" She questioned.

"Over on the east side... uh.. Near-"

"If you say near the water company... I'm going to slap you silly. That's not a good area." She replied, cutting me off.

"Well it was what I could afford." I said to her, sipping my drink.

"Girl.... You have got to speak up. You're pregnant, there's no way in hell I'm letting you live over in the most problematic area of this part.... Tae!" Sonjia called Tae over, he set down a book of fabrics and headed over to us.

"Yes, Noona?" He asked with a bright boxy smile.

"You still have that friend who's looking for a roommate, right?" She asked Tae.

"My Hyung, SeokJinnie? Yeah. Why?" Tae asked, tilting his head to the side and looking curious, his big eyes wide with that curiosity.

"Because Ellie here needs a place that isn't going to give her an infection from just entering her apartment... or worse..." Sonja replied.

"Oh.... Ellie, you live near the water place? Tsk tsk, that's no place for a pregnant woman." Tae straightened his head and smiled, pulling his phone out of his pants pockets and scrolling through.
"My Hyung is a busy man, owns a restaurant. He's my best friend's older brother. He's in a relationship, so don't worry. He's got room though and has been looking for someone to move in, but he's picky... however, a pregnant woman would be the perfect fit. Especially since it's you, Ellie. You're nice, and a good person from what I see. And I have big eyes, I see almost everything.." He grinned wide and then tapped his phone and held it up to his mouth.

"Tae?" A voice from the phone answered.

"Jinnie Hyung, you still have a room open?" Tae asked.

"Yes, why? Is my little ungrateful brother trying to get you to let him stay with you and you're sick of him already?" The voice, this Seokjin person asked, sounding slightly annoyed. I could almost hear the man eye-roll.

"No, I actually have a lady friend at work. She really needs a better place to stay till she can get on her feet. She's uh, pregnant and living over by the water company and.. Well... you know how it is over there." Tae informed the man.

"Wow, that's the worst place for a pregnant woman. Is she a neat person? You know I like to keep the house neat and tidy." Seokjin asked.

"You're tidy, right?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded, I was a clean person. Knew how to pick up after myself and clean pretty damn well. "Yeah, she's tidy, hyung." He answered Seokjin.

"Alright, bring her by after work." Seokjin said before he and Tae said their goodbyes and ended their call.

"You're going to love Seokjin, He's one of those guys that's just really chill and hilarious. Everyone I knew in highschool wished he was their big brother. Sadly only one of us had the privilege to call him that." Tae said with a smirk. "I'll take you over after work."

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