Make It right

17 3 1

(Ellie's POV)

I was released from the hospital by mid morning, other than the stitches on my head... and the slight headache which they'd given me aspirin for- I was healthy... but I was also upset. Jungkook took off, and while I got an explanation... I had a visitor two times, but the hospital wasn't letting anyone in to see me at my request. Jin stayed with me, and when he received the text from Jimin he told me about it. I didn't know exactly who this friend was that they went to see but Jin told me he was a friend of theirs, and probably the only one who could make Jungkook calm down when he was mad or to the point of being destructive. I didn't fully understand it, but I appreciated them keeping in touch with us and letting us know.
I still worried though, and I was tired again by the time we got home.

"I think this whole pregnancy thing sucks." I said as Jin and I got home.

"Well, I'm sure in the end it will all be worth it." Jin replied, trying his best to comfort me.

"I know.. But it's starting to get annoying." I said, flipping through some fabric books for work.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting, not working?" Jin smirked.

"Yes... but if I relax and rest.. I'll be left alone with my thoughts and I really don't want that right now." I replied.

"Understood. Then let's talk about something else." He offered up with a smile.

"Okay." I replied, taking a sip of the lemonade Jin had poured me.

"So, what shall we talk about?" Jin asked as he finished drying the last pan.

"Who's Namjoon?" I asked, Jin immediately dropped the pan on the floor and stood there stunned for a moment. When he finally composed himself he scrambled to pick up the pan. He rinsed it off again and then dried it for a second time.

"Well... he's a friend." He started to explain, but there was something odd about his tone and the fact that he was refusing to look me in the eyes. I could tell he was going to avoid telling me anything about this friend.

"I'll ask Jungkook about it. Clearly you're not happy to tell me." I teased. He shook his head at me.

"It's not whatever you might think.. But it definitely is something only Jungkook could explain." Jin replied after putting the final pot away.

"Alright. I'll ask him about it later tonight. Right now... I'm going to rest. This medicine makes me a bit drowsy." I replied and he smiled.

"Good, you need rest. I'll be here, I'm not leaving you alone unless you're with someone else trustworthy." Jin assured me. He knew I was feeling uneasy being alone. Sonjia had given me things to look over from home but she wanted me to take the time to rest.
I didn't like feeling like I was leaving something unfinished so I took my laptop and continued the work I could. I ended up falling asleep anyway, after I found the final two pieces I was looking for. I sent my findings off to Sojia and my eyes became too heavy to keep open.
When I managed to wake up it was darker than it was before outside the window. I looked at the time and it was after 7:30pm. I got up, and used the bathroom to relieve myself. Once I was done and washed my hands I headed into the hall and that's when I heard the voices.

"You didn't do anything stupid, did you?" I heard Jin ask someone.

"No. And yes." Jungkook's voice sounded tired, stressed, and I wanted to run to him and take away those feelings.

"No and yes? Which is it?" Jin asked, a little annoyed.

"I punched an asshole who deserved it, and that might have made him mad enough to hold more of a grudge. So we need to be extra careful. Ellie can't be left alone at all, they'll most likely try something again." Jungkook said and I felt the air leave my lungs.... They were going to be after me again.. They wouldn't stop anyway but now Jungkook and Jin were at risk.

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