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   It had only been a few days, but those few days had me anxious and the only thing that calmed me was cooking, specifically... baking. And boy did I bake. Lemon squares, peanut butter granola bars with chocolate drizzle, apple turnovers, strawberry cream puffs, brownies, brookies, blondies, eclairs.... I pretty much turned Jin's kitchen into my own personal bakery.
Jin didn't seem to mind. If anything, he found it quite amusing.

"I don't think this kitchen has seen so much baking. As I'm more of a cook, I only use the ovens for non sweet treats. But it's nice having some sweet things around now and then.... Although... I think you're going a little overboard." Jin said as I had pulled the last batch of chocolate chip cookies from the oven.

"What are you talking about, this is great, this is ow ow ow hot hot." Jungkook butted in as he grabbed a cookie fresh off the tray. I glared at him a little.... I was still not happy with his behavior. He'd only ticked me off when he didn't come home after work the next day, but went out and stayed at someone else's house. Most likely a woman... and I wasn't sure if that was what was bothering me, or if it's that I cooked and he didn't even call to let us know he wouldn't be home.

"I've given Sonja and the others at work a bunch. They're really happy with it. I like the smell of these things.. But cooked eggs and fish smells are not sitting well with me." I said, looking apologetically at Jin.

"Ah, so you're the one who left the salmon off the shopping list." Jin smiled. I sheepishly smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... sorry, but not really." I replied. He laughed and gave me a thumbs up.

"You got everything else pretty much, so it's fine." He assured me.

"So.... I can take these with me right? I'm just going to hang out with Jimin and Tae today since we all have off." Jungkook said, already reaching for a container to put the cookies in. I sighed.

"Fine... one container..." I said, handing him the clear container.

"And you better bring it back tonight, or else I'll be taking it out of your pay." Jin said with a glare in his eyes. Jungkook nodded and started packing as many cookies as he could into the container. Once the container had the lid on it, Jungkook made his way out of the apartment.

"I swear... I don't know what's wrong with him sometimes." Jin sighed.

"Well, he's been working for you right? How's that going?" I asked.

"He's good... not that surprising. He used to be better though. But I don't know if I trust him doing much else right now. I can't afford another explosive fight." He said, packing a few cookies for the staff, and also taking some of the lemon bars I'd made.

"Sounds bad." I said.

"It was... he has an ego sometimes that gets the best of him. He started a fight, and instead of walking away, he went after the guy. Beat him to hard the guy blacked out. If I hadn't stopped him... he probably would have killed him. Hell, he swung on me too." Jin said.

"It's not the first... and it's not the last. He just... gets like that sometimes. He's also careless with women.... They can't help falling for him. He's good looking.... It runs in the family, and he can be very charming when he wants to be. I just hope he doesn't try that shit on you. You're too good of a person, Ellie." Jin said, smiling as he packed up the two containers.

"I'm heading off now. Call me if you need me." He said as he left. I finished moving the last batch of cookies after they cooled, and soon after my phone started to buzz. I picked up my phone from the counter and noticed the number.. The doctor's office. I answered.

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