More Than Friends

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 Jin had returned home, both happy to be back and also a bit sad he had to leave his bride to be, again. He did seem heavily impressed that Jungkook was being responsible and that no incidents had happened. Jungkook was very adamant that we not tell Jin anything just yet. He said he wanted to prove he could change, and had changed to his older brother first.
So, for the first week of Jin being back... Jungkook would sneak into my room after Jin went to bed. It was difficult to spend time together and when we could.. I had to force myself to be as quiet as possible. This wasn't working for us and Jungkook in the second week decided he'd try taking lunch early and coming home on my days off to get in some much needed one on one time.
We could be loud but we were almost caught once and I had to claim that I was doing laundry and that's why I was in my robe. Jungkook claimed he spilled something on himself at work and wanted to come home to shower. Jin seemed to buy it, or he was piecing things together. I couldn't tell... it didn't matter much as the day of my ultrasound and finding out the sex of the baby came and Jin wanted to be the one to take me. We tried to figure out some way to make it work, since Jungkook wanted to be there and I honestly wanted him there.
We figured Jin would just drop me off and Jungkook could show up a few minutes later. So, I got dressed in my maternity sundress- A yellow with daisies on it. I put a white sweater over it and a pair of ballet flats. However, once Jin and I got there.... He decided he was going to stay so that he could just take me home after.
I appreciated his help... but Jungkook was going to be showing up and if Jin saw him, things would have to be said that I know Jungkook didn't want spoken about just yet. So.... I had to try to get Jin to do something for me.

"I know you want to stay, Jin. And I thank you for wanting to stay. But it's all going to be fine and besides that... I need some things. So... it would be more beneficial if you could go get me the things I need, and then I'll pay you back and this way, when I'm done... we can go home and I can rest. You know these doctor visits can be so exhausting." I tried to reason with him.

"Alright. I'll go get what you need, you have a list made?" He asked, happy to help me in any way. Jin was such a good friend and it really started to hurt keeping it from him. He was going to be the best Uncle.

"No, I have notes on what I needed, let me transfer them into a list and send it to you." I replied to him, taking my phone out of my bag and tapping away. I had to make a list... I didn't have much for baby stuff so I decided to take the time to get what I really needed. Some things for myself as well.

"Oh, and make sure to get a variety of bottles... also extra liners because I do have a breast pump and will be doing my best to feed my baby naturally.... Don't worry about the breast feeding bras, I'll get those, but they have the shirts that have the side that comes undone so it's easier to breastfeed... I want seven of those, get an assortment of colors, please." I said to him, quickly adding it and finally sending the list to him.

"Alright, I'm on my way. You have a good doctor visit. I can't wait to find out. Either way I'm getting this baby something pink." Jin declared. I smiled and nodded. Giving a little wave as he got back into his car and drove off. I went inside and Jungkook was waiting behind a potted plant, trying to be inconspicuous.

"What are you doing?" I laughed a bit at him. He stood up straight and swept his hair back a bit.

"Nothing... just waiting for the coast to be clear." He replied.

"Yeah, he really wanted to stay and be here for me. But I knew if I allowed that, you wouldn't be able to come back with me... so I had to make up a list of things I need." I admitted.

"Gasp! She manipulated my brother? Maybe I am a bad influence on you." Jungkook smirked.

"Hey! I only manipulated him so you could come see your baby." I playfully whacked his arm and he laughed.

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