Time For Us

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(Jungkook's POV)

"I don't know.. I feel... oddly accomplished." I said as I sat at a table with Jimin and Taehyung.

"You seem to be doing good. How have the past three days been?" Jimin asked.

"Great. Working here, took Ellie out to actually have fun. You know that woman hasn't had fun in like... way too long." I said to them.

"Well yeah... with an asshole husband like hers.. Not even surprised that she hasn't had fun." Tae added to the conversation. Jimin put his elbow on the table and put his chin on the palm of his hand as he eyed Tae.

"What exactly was the deal with that anyway? I mean... like what happened and how bad was the dude?" Jimin asked.

"That's not my story to tell. You'll have to ask her." Tae replied, I felt a little deflated after having a bit of hope that I finally might get the full story.

"You can't even tell me a little bit?" Jimin asked, giving Tae his sad puppy eyes. Tae shook his head.

"Sorry, all I can say is he was an asshole and I hope his dick rots off." Tae said.

"Speaking of dicks rotting off... Jungkook, have you gotten tested lately?" Jimin asked, smirking after testing my patience with his stupid insult. I wasn't mad, it's difficult for him to contain his emotions... he's so small. Like tinkerbell.

"Not that it's your business, but yes. And I haven't had sex since then. Don't be so pressed because of your height deficiency." I replied. Jimin glared at the mention of his height, but this was how we joked. We knew neither of us was serious. Though he is shorter than most of our friends, he's not the shortest guy on the planet. I wasn't about to tell him about Ellie and I... giving in to our temptations. It wasn't their business to be honest. But I had been tested prior and I've not been fucking around so I knew I was clean.

"Well good, don't want you spreading anything to that woman. Though, I'm surprised you haven't done anything with her yet." Jimin smirked. "It's so unlike you."

"I don't want to rush things... not to mention the woman is carrying a child that is most likely mine. I don't want to fuck things up." I replied, fiddling with my fingers. I didn't want to lie, but again.. It really wasn't their business. If Ellie wanted Tae to know, she'd tell him.. And then I might have told Jimin.

"That's very mature. See Jimin, I told you that our Kookie is finally growing up. Noona Ellie is a good influence. Our Jungkookie will be a good man in no time." Tae added as he patted my back. I rolled my eyes. They always made a big deal of this stuff.

"Can we not make a big deal of it. Now... you two need to go so I can finish up and bring dinner home to Ellie." I got up from the table and shooed the two of them out of the restaurant. I tried not to let their words get to me. I would be lying if this whole thing didn't make me nervous. If I wasn't scared of what this all meant. But I also know that I can't just run from things that I've caused.
I caused this woman to be in some of this situation. There's no telling if her ex husband had been a good man, if he'd leave her after she gives birth to an asian baby. I doubt he's asian and I know Ellie isn't... so she'd probably be cussed out and divorced over that.
So either way, I'm to blame for the shit she's dealing with.... Well, some of it.

As I was closing up, I stared out the window into our parking lot, a few cars turned it to turn around and a few more sat for a bit. I sighed and once I was finished cleaning and locking up, I headed home to Ellie.

(Ellie's POV)

I knew Jungkook would be home late, but I still made dinner for him. Well, I heated up the meatloaf I had made earlier. I checked the text I sent him, he replied. He was on his way home and I was thankful because his dinner would be ready around the time he'd get home.
I was just in one of Jungkook's long shirts. Admittedly I never thought I'd be the kind of woman who'd wait for her man in nothing but his shirt... but here I was, eager for him to come home and maybe forget all about the dinner and dine on me instead.
I shook my head and the thoughts. Jungkook wasn't even my man... at least I don't think he was. Sure, we clearly have some attraction to one another. I think I was far more attracted to him than he was to me though. I heated everything up and set them out for him. As I went back to pour him a drink to have with his meal, he came through the door.

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