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(JK's POV)

The sound of the breaks, the jolt forward was enough to choke me with the seatbelt.

"What the hell, Jimin?" I said, coughing a bit and sucking in some air.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You're asking what the hell? The hell, Kook... is what you're going to put Ellie through if you just pull your usual swift exit. Are you fucking insane? I thought you were changing? I thought you wanted to change? Was I the insane fucker?" Jimin was clearly upset. Tae was too but this time, he was the one keeping quiet.

"I don't know what you expect me to do. I just punched the shit out of the dude, his buddy and him are only going to make it harder on Ellie." I rebutted.

"THAT is my POINT! You didn't think, you reacted... once again. You might have pissed them off to where they're going to try to come after Ellie again. And yet you want to leave? You should be fucking protecting her Jungkook, she's pregnant! What the fuck do you think is going to happen if you leave? You think they'll just forget about it and leave her be? You are NOT as dumb, not as stupid as you like to play at my friend. You know damn well you running is just that scared little boy who lost his parents, lost his first love and his second, and you want to book it out of here to avoid the pain of possibly losing your third love?" Jimin was not letting me get out of this one.

"You know what... fuck this. I'm taking you to see him." Jimin said and I immediately reached for the wheel. He slapped my hands away and glared at me.

"Don't fucking test me right now, Kook." Jimin was beyond pissed. Tae was still choosing to be silent. Jimin drove towards the highway and once we merged onto it.... I knew I was in for it. I stared out my window... contemplating if I could survive rolling myself out of this car. I decided against it, especially since Jimin was going a bit faster than the limit.

2 hours later and everything looked familiar. The trees, the mountains, the lake and the river that flowed between the giant boulders at the base of the mountain. I knew this path, I knew this road, I knew this place... it was HIS....

"Do you think he's home?" Tae asked Jimin, I was still staring out the window, hoping to gods these two would turn the fucking car around.

"He has to be, where else would he be?" Jimin replied.

"I don't know, the dude kind of keeps to himself.... He's changed a lot you know." Tae rebutted.

"Yeah, but I still talk to him, he's not changed that much." Jimin said and I registered his words.

"What do you mean you still talk to him?" I asked, trying to bite back my frustration.

"I mean, I still talk to him. We're friends, we hang out, we talk, we have coffee, we go out for drinks. We're friends." Jimin replied. I huffed and looked away from him. I can't believe him.... Traitor.

"I don't see any lights on, it's past midnight, are you sure he's even home?" Tae stressed again. Jimin turned the car off and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"I'm sure, lets go." Jimin said getting out of the car. Tae got out next, he opened my passenger side door and leaned down, smiling at me.

"Come on pouty. Let's get this over with." He said and held his hand out for me. I smacked it away and grumbled, unbuckling myself and getting out of the car. I pushed past him. I didn't want to be here, there was no need to be here.

*Knock Knock*

Jimin had knocked on the door and I sighed in relief when no one answered.

"Thank god, okay let's go. No one's home." I said turning away. I got half way down the front steps of the cabin when I heard the door unlock and open.

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