The Appointment

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I kept quiet about that night... even about my ex in-laws spotting me. I didn't want to make Jin worry and I'd been careful going out since then. Thanks to that, I haven't seen them since that day. But my next doctor appointment was around the corner and I received a letter from the court that my ex requested a paternity test. He apparently... still had the right to request one. I guess the whole point was prove if he was the father and either demand rights or something. But by confirming he is the father, he'll have to pay child support. And I honestly just wanted nothing to do with him.

"You seem distant tonight." Jin said as the three of us sat down and ate. Jungkook had been doing well at the restaurant, but this was the first night he actually had dinner with us in a while.

"Huh? Oh.. sorry, just thinking about my appointment tomorrow." I said. Swirling my fork around in the pasta Jin made.

"What time is the appointment?" Jin asked.

"3:35. I have to have more blood taken I think." I replied.

"Not time to find out the sex of the baby, right?" He asked.

"No, that's five months. So I have another two and half weeks to go, something like that." I answered. He nodded and took another bite. I slowly ate and paused when Jungkook huffed.
"What?" I asked, looking at him and noticing he was glaring at me.

"You're not going to even ask if I'm available to drive you? You're just going to assume?" He questioned.

"I was going to go alone.. I-"

"That's not a smart idea. Tae's letting me use his car this week, so I'll take you then drop you off at work if you want. Okay?" He said. Even though he asked... it sounded way more like a demand and I had to fight the urge to say sorry to him again. Jin just looked between the two of us and continued eating. Till his phone rang and he hurried off to his room to take the call. We knew what that meant.

I cleaned up, with some help from Jungkook, who was still making comments when we were in private about that one night we had. I brushed it off as him just looking for a reaction.

That night I slept pretty well, only getting up once from a nightmare. After a glass of water from the kitchen, which I carefully and quietly obtained.. I went back to bed. The day of my appointment was... an interesting one.

"Just don't forget to put the sun shield in, and the AC can't be up too high, it's not good for Ellie or the baby. It's got a full tank because I didn't want you to stop and fill it up with Ellie in the car, gas smell is bad for baby and momma. DON'T drive like a fucking street racer, this isn't fast and the furious and you're dumb ass ain't Vin Diesel. Got it?" Tae scolded Jungkook when he dropped the car off for Kook to use for a week.

"Alright, relax.. DAD. I've got it. Your car is in good hands." He smirked as he replied.

"No, my car is being held hostage.... And Jin requested I let you use it as well. Why don't you turn in one of your bikes for a car? Your Honda would get you an even trade on a nice new sedan." Tae said.

"I... I think I just threw up in my mouth from that comment.... Sedan? Ew..." Jungkook replied.

"Can we not mention throwing up around me, please?" I pleaded, already feeling a little queasy.

"Oh my gosh, sorry Ellie. Jungkook has no manners." Tae replied as he hurried over to me and gave me a gentle hug. "Make sure he does the speed limit, and make sure he stops and buys you whatever you want to drink or eat when you're done with your appointment. Jin gave him some cash to spend to get you something." Tae said, looking at Jungkook and sticking his tongue out at him.
I tried not to laugh, the two were like two kids, with Tae being the big brother and Jungkook just not listening to him... it was a bit different than the dynamics between Jin and Jungkook, from what I've seen so far.

"Just go! You're going to be late and you're going to make her late for her appointment if you don't let us leave after you." Jungkook rebutted. Tae nodded and got into the waiting car. Once he left Jungkook and I got into the car, I buckled up as he started the car. Soon we were off, I'd put the address into the GPS Tae had in his car.

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