Glimmer Of Hope

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"Just calling to let you know-"

"Yeah, I got the papers, the divorce is final, Good. You moved out right?"

"Huh... oh.. Yeah, but that's not why I'm calling."

"What the fuck are you on about Ellie?"

"I just.. I um, I went to the doctor.. And.. and.."

"And what? You're dying? Finally?"

"I'm Pre-"

"Fucking hell Ellie, you call me to tell me you're pregnant now? You put me here! What the fuck do you want?! You claimed I forced you, you claimed I beat you... slapping you around for being a dumb bitch isn't abuse Ellie... now you want to give me a baby? You're a real fucking piece of work."

"I.... I just wanted to let you know... You have no rights to it... I plan on going for sole custody."

"And I'll fucking fight it. You fucking know I will you worthless piece of shit. You think you can raise a baby alone? Who the fuck will want you Ellie, Hm? Who the fuck would put up with you? You can't take care of yourself, let alone a baby. Don't fucking try. Give the baby to my mother, she'll raise it till I'm out of here. Just leave the baby to her and you disappear."


I never wanted this. I was eighteen when I fell in love with the son of one of my father's clients. My father prided on parading my mother and I around to all these parties his company held... and it was at one of them I met him.... Andrew Hoff. Handsome, tall, and smart. As we talked, I found myself laughing that whole night as he made jokes about the pretentious business men and women all trying to talk each other up. I thought I loved him then... but I was eighteen, what did I know? Over the next year, mother and father kept inviting his family to join us for trips, vacations.
Andrew was a dream... and I gave him my virginity in his hotel room while we were vacationing in the Bahamas. White sands and clear blue skies the entire time made for us running and laughing along the beach... splashing each other in the clear water. Candle light dinners and beautiful sunsets only added to the emotions I thought were shared between us. We were engaged by the time I was 20, he was 24. 

By 21 I was married and that's when subtle arguments began. I was going to school... he didn't think I should be, because he wanted a family with me and wanted me to stay home and raise our children. Only... he didn't want children right away. Not till I was 25, That's when he started demanding we try.... And that's when he first hit me, all because I refused to stop taking birth control. I wanted to go for my degree in interior design. He saw no point in it, and wanted to start a family officially... so... after thinking he hid my birth control pills, and trying for months with no results..... He finally beat the answer as to why I wasn't pregnant yet, out of me. 
I had gone and gotten an implant, and he became even more violent at this news. Finally he decided to let me get my interior design degree before I turned 30, with the stipulation that I have to remove the implant right after. But.. just before I turned 30 I got my degree and at that point..  all bets were off. He had me have the birth control removed. And even though he was told I might not be able to get pregnant right away... and it was best to give me a few days after having it removed... He still forced me to try. 

It had happened so many times I was used to it at that point. I had stopped having orgasms at 22... at least with him. I preferred to get myself off and figured that was the fate of my life. I became numb, just laying there and letting him use my body... So, after the sex I was forced to have after my one night I was allowed out with friends for my birthday.... He tried two more times to make sure. The second time... was the last straw for me.
I was done.... I'd been meek and mousy for so long... I gathered what courage I could... knowing my family and his family would hate me- but as he hit me, threw me onto the bed, ripped my clothes off of me roughly, causing marks on my skin.. I scrambled to my bedside table and grabbed my cell, dialing 911 immediately. Screaming for him to get off of me, yelling for help. I yelled out our address, that's when he finally noticed my cell right by my head as he was trying to get my panties off. He hit me... once... twice... three times in the head with my own cell phone. Things got fuzzy... but it didn't stop the pain I felt when he rammed into me. He wasn't a girthy or big man by any means... but it still hurt.. I was dried up and he didn't care. 

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