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Chapter 181: Rescue Shen Fang Chapter 181: Rescue Shen Fang
Ma Hongying's eyes widened in shock at his words. "Son, are you kidding me? Let me tell you, your father and I can't afford a delicate and weak young wife like Bai Xiaolian!"

Shen Tianrui said helplessly, "Mom, aren't you urging me to find one every day? Then I will find one for you to see if it suits your eyes. If you don't like it, I will naturally not have contact with her again. , you, just be at ease!”

Ma Hongying continued, "I've always told you that I like girls who are generous and efficient. If you look in this direction, you won't go wrong. Otherwise, you can look for one according to Xiaoxing's standards, hahahaha..."

Shen Tianrui had a dark look on his face, "Mom, if you go by Xiaoxing's standards, I don't think you want a daughter-in-law. There are a few girls as good as Xiaoxing in the world!"

Ma Hongying sighed softly, "Ah, you are right. There are not many girls as good as Xiaoxing. Okay, I won't make any requirements for you. I won't mention the other party's family background. You just need to find someone who is pleasing to all of us."

Shen Tianrui looked helpless, "Mom, since you are so anxious, why not go find Xiaoxing and figure out when I will be able to move Hongluanxing."

Ma Hongying's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands, "Yes, why didn't I think of it? All right, I'll ask Xiaoxing to tell your fortune later. She's a little fortune teller, and what she says is always right. At least I know the result, so I can have hope!"

Seeing his mother's enthusiasm for this, Shen Tianrui chose to retreat into the house in defeat.

After closing the door and not hearing his mother's nagging, Shen Tianrui breathed a sigh of relief.

He went into the bathroom to take a shower, then fell directly onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow will be another busy day for him.

the next day.

Shen Tianxing slowly woke up on the big bed in the space.

Before she got up, she could already smell the strong aroma of food.

Thinking that Dugu Zixi must be busy with her in the kitchen again, the corners of Shen Tianxing's lips curled up in a happy smile.

After the two of them had breakfast together, Dugu Zixi, who had been with Shen Tianxing for several days, said to her gently, "Xiaoxing, I have to go back to the military headquarters today to be busy. Are you okay by yourself?"

Shen Tianxing looked at him with a smile, "Of course it's okay. Just go and do your work if you have something to do. You don't have to stay with me every day."

Dugu Zixi pulled her into his arms, kissed her pink cheek, and whispered, "I really don't want to leave you."

Shen Tianxing understood his mood and comforted him, saying, "You can enter the space at night. Why don't you just stay apart during the day?"

Dugu Zixi looked at her heartless smile and couldn't help but bite her lightly, "You are such a heartless little thing!"

Shen Tianxing shouted exaggeratedly, "Ouch, Ouch, Sir Immortal Lord, please spare my life! Please let me go..."

Dugu Zixi looked helpless at her, "You little girl..."

The two of them stayed in the space until eight o'clock in the morning before reluctantly parting.

Dugu Zixi left the space and appeared directly in his room at the Dugu family.

Shen Tianxing left his room.

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