Chapter One: Fuck You Joja (FemaleReaderpov?)

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It was late into the afternoon. You was stuck at work on this beautiful day. The sun was barely shining through your office window. If that's what you could call it. A little beep went off on the computer in front of you. You realize it's another e-mail from the boss and groan. You scroll over and click on it.

"Hey team! We all have to work this Saturday due to a company wide meeting and we are also still behind on orders so there is no leaving after the meeting. I know you guys don't like it but at least it's overtime! Have a good day!"

You roll your eyes. This is the third Saturday in a row they're making everyone work. All around you, you can hear everyone let out quiet groans as they open their e-mails also. You sigh and open up the desk draw to your right. You absently ruffle your hand through the draw looking for a pen when your hand comes across, what feels like an old paper. You raise an eyebrow at the texture and grab it. You realize it's an envelope. And not any envelope either, it's the one you got from Grandpa before he passed away a few years ago. You smile at remembering him. You miss him so much. You remember him telling you to open this when you were ready for a change in life. And you definitely felt like you needed that right now.

"My dear granddaughter, If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change. The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong. I've included the deed to my old farm. It's all yours. Go my dear and live the life you deserve. Much love, Grandpa." 

Your eyes are wet with tears. You had no idea that he even still had that farm. You assumed he sold it when he had moved to a nursing home. The relief you felt knowing you can finally escape this hell hole. And the waves of emotions you felt knowing you can finally return the farm. That place was practically your second growing up when you was younger. You have fond memories fishing in the ponds with Grandpa, gathering eggs in the morning for breakfast, and Grandpa even let you go down a few levels in the mines when you was little. You chuckle at the memory at walking past a rock and it suddenly started moving! You had no idea those rock crabs even existed. Grandpa had a hearty laugh after he was able to calm you down. That was sadly the last time you ever got to go into those mines. 

It wasn't long after that, Grandpa had ended up in the hospital for his heart. Some more things happened over the next couple of years and he ended up needing round the clock care, so he ended up in a nursing home. You were able to visit him often and he enjoyed seeing you. He never showed it but you knew being in the nursing home was killing his soul. He went from being a strong independent man, to needing to ask for help for almost everything. 

Someone cleared their throat loudly behind you and it about made you jump to the moon. You turn around in your office chair and realize it's your boss. 

"I'm not paying you to daydream into space Y/N. This is probably why you're always behind on your work." Your boss frowned.

"I'm always behind on my work cuz you just add more and more everyday with no help!" You stand up and face your boss. You suddenly feel so angry and resentful of your boss. You're usually the quiet girl in the background. You always have been since middle school. But something in you snaps today. Some of your coworkers peer around or above their cubicles to see what's going on 

"You work us six days a week, with no paid breaks or lunch. Give us only one day off to recover and except us to be happy, giddy, productive workers in this danky shithole." Your boss is caught so off guard by your outburst, she just stares at you stunned. "I can't even have a social life outside of this place. And when my partner died a couple of years ago, this company gave no fucks what-so-ever. You only let my have the funeral day off and that was it! I don't know why I even came back here. I  should have realized my worth back then and just left! But I was too far gone after my partner died that I didn't even think twice about it back then." 

Everyone's faces were full of shock. You was pretty sure everyone would like to say what you are saying right now, but everyone is too scared of losing their jobs.  You took a deep breath and continued on with your rant at your boss. And then you finally say.."I quit." You grab what few belongings you had on your desk and walk away. As you pass your coworkers, they're giving you big smiles and thumbs-ups. You smile back widely and leave with confidence that you are doing the right thing for yourself.  You turn around in the parking lot of your now ex work and shout, "Fuck you Joja Corporation!" while giving the building the middle finger. You knew that probably wasn't very mature of you but you didn't care. You had to grow up at a young age and you think it's finally catching up to you. You get into your old black car and drive away to pack up for the next chapter of your life.

Note: Hello everyone. Stardew valley is my fixation right now, so I'm making a fanfic with it. I guess it's kinda going to be a reader pov thing? I'm reading another story on here that does that so you can insert your name into the story. I figured I would give it a try! Thanks so much for reading.

The New Farmer in Town (ShanexFemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now