Chapter 8: Aftermath

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The rest of the flower dance went off great. Everyone seemed to have a good time. You ask Marnie if it would be okay to walk back to her ranch to change back into your clothes. She says of course. You, Marnie, and Jas head back to their ranch. You suddenly think about Shane and wonder if he went back home earlier. You arrive at the ranch and go in with Marnie. She heads off to her restroom to change so you can change in her bedroom. You quickly change and wait for her in the main room of the house. She appears a minute later. 

"Well, I hope you had a good time at the flower dance Y/N. You didn't do too bad for it being your first time."

"Thanks Marnie! I thought so too. I was gonna thank Shane for dancing with me but he disappeared as soon as it was done."

"Mmm, maybe he came home to get out of suit." Marnie chuckles. "He really hates that thing. Let me go so if he's in his room." She walks off to kitchen to get to Shane's room. You hear her knock on his door. There's no answer so she walks in.

"Shane?" A few seconds later you hear, "Oh dear!" Marnie sounds pretty concerned, so you walk in behind her. There's Shane, passed out on the floor, surrounded by beer cans. Your heart breaks. Why would he come home and drink until he passed out? You thought he at least had a decent time at the dance. 

"Y/N...can you do something? He's out cold." She sounds so worried. You ponder for a moment on what you could do. You remember reading something that cold water can sometimes these situations. You tell Marnie hold on a minute and you run to her kitchen. She has some clean dishes sitting on her counter so you pick a cup. You fill it with cold water. You walk back to his room but don't realize Jas is behind you. She kinda hides behind the door when you go in. You walk over, and pour some water on Shane's head. 

"Whaa!" He jolts himself to situp and then stands up. He looks really confused.

"Shane! What is the matter with you!? All you do is mope around your room all day and drink beer. Why would you do it on a day like today? This is why you left the dance early? To drink?" 

He looks away from his aunt. You could see he was frustrated, but sad. 

"You wouldn't understand..." He mumbles. 

"I'm worried." Marnie says to you quietly. Jas quietly creeps into the room without being noticed.  "What's your plan? Don't you ever think about the future Shane? You can't keep doing this forever." 

"Plan?"  He says quietly. "Hopefully I'm not around long enough to need a 'plan'..." He says with no emotion in his voice. You suddenly hear a tiny yelp behind you and turn to see Jas running out of his room, sobbing. Marnie looks at Shane with disappointment before running after Jas to comfort her. 

"Jas..I'm sorry." Shane looks like he wants to cry. He turns to you 

"Why are you even here!? Go away!" He harshly says to you. You're taken back. You want to snap back at him but you know it won't do anyone any good.

" know where I live if you need to talk okay? I don't know what you're going through exactly but I might be able to relate." He turns away from you, putting his hands in hoodie. 

"Yeah right, whatever. Just go home Y/N." You can sense the sadness in his voice.

"Okay." Is all you say. You quickly leave his room and quietly shut the door behind you. You stand there for a moment, to just collect yourself. Then you can hear quiet crying coming from Shane's room. You want to comfort him. But you can't force it on him. You go and find Marnie and Jas. You want to make sure Jas is okay before you go home. You find them in her room. You quietly knock on the door that is cracked. 

The New Farmer in Town (ShanexFemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now