Chapter 11: Hurt

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You both get up and put clothes back on. The room is silent but it didn't feel awkward. Shane heads to the kitchen and motions for you to follow. You're surprised the house is empty. 

"Oh, where's Jas and Marnie?" You ask.

"It's Tuesday. She's with the girls in town for their weekly workout stuff and Jas is at school."

"Oh right. I forgot that it was Tuesday. Well, that's lucky then." You chuckle. "That would be so embarrassing to look your aunt in the eyes after what we just did. Shane blushes a little.

"Yeah, it would be. You hungry?" He throws a pizza in the oven. 

"Of course!" You sit down and so does he. 

"How are you feeling? I know last night was rough." He says with care.

"I'm okay." You look down into your lap. "It's just something that comes and goes sometimes." Shane is quiet. He reaches over and gently squeezes your hand.

"I know what you mean." He says quietly. You look up at him and nod. He looks away,sadness clouds his mind. "Jas still has days like that too. She still has nightmares about their funeral. I think I shouldn't have taken her." You squeeze his hand.

"She insisted on going. She wanted to say goodbye. So I let her come. I still picture her up there at their caskets. She was gently rubbing both of their faces, saying how it looked liked they were just sleeping. She didn't cry the whole time at the funeral, she held it in til we got home. I would hear her whisper from time to time, I wish they could just wake up. I've never felt more useless than in that moment." Shane didn't show any emotion on his face. It was like he was playing poker but his eyes were wet, like he was fighting the tears back. 

"It's not your fault Shane. She'll never regret not going. She got to say goodbye to them again. It was a good thing for her." You try to reassure him.

"Maybe." He huffed. The timer went off for the pizza. Shane let go of your hand to grab the pizza. 

"At least she got to see them one last time. I couldn't with my partner. They ended up going straight to cremation after the accident." You say absently. This made Shane pause for a moment. 

"What happen? You don't have to tell me of course." He sits down with a plate of pizza for each of you. You look down and stare at the pizza. Debating if you want to share that story. Shane quietly eats his pizza. He gets up and grabs a beer from the fridge. He sits down, opens it and chugs it down. This sends a quiet anger into you. Not at Shane, but at the beer. You can't blame Shane for what happened to your spouse. 

" you think you could not drink right now?" You ask timidly. Shane frowns.

"Um, I guess so." He puts the can down and goes back to eating. "Does that bother you?" He says between bites of food.

"Just at the moment. Our conversation brought back some bad memories." You say quietly.

"I'm sorry." You just nod at him. You quietly finish your pizza quickly. You just want to go home now and be alone. Plus the animals need tending to. You get up and out your plate in the sink. 

"I gotta go. The animals need feeding at home." You go and grab the urn from Shane's room and head for the door. Shane gets up and opens the door for you.

"Sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to bring up that stuff." He looks a little defeated.

"It's okay Shane. I'm glad you shared that with me. If you ever need to talk, you know where I live." You flash smile at him 

"Okay." He gives a small smile back. "See you around." 

You head back home. You ponder on the conversation you had with Shane this morning. You know there's more to the story but of course you wasn't gonna push him to talk more about it like he didn't push you. You're home now. You take the urn back into the house where it belongs and get to work on the farm. 

The weeks pass. You continue to farm, forage, mine, and care for the animals. By the time fall hits, you have at least one of each animals type and have become friends with almost everyone in town. You haven't seen or talked to Shane much since you spent the night there. He's been busy with work and so have you. You still see him at the saloon every Friday when you go. You love Fridays because you can see almost everyone in town then. You hangout with Elliot and Leah a lot. And you also like to hangout with Sebastian, Sam, and Abby when they're playing pool. 

You've been getting along with Sebastian really well. You found out he's a computer coder. When he's working, you like to take him his favorite food so he can focus better. You ran into him the other day working in his motorcycle. You're scared of them but have always wanted to go on one at least once. He convinced you to go with him sometime. 

You wake up to a chill in the air. You look out the window. There's no sun today. It looks like it might rain later. You sigh and get out of bed. You decide to just do the animals this morning then go fishing in the mountains. You quickly do the chores and then head out to the mountains. You try texting Shane to see how he's doing but he just replied that he's working and doesn't have time to talk. You let out a frustrated sigh. You thought maybe you two had something going on but apparently you was wrong. 

You get to the mountain, and setup your stuff. You end up fishing for a couple of hours. Linus stops by and chats with you. He shows you how to make some pretty neat bait. You might be able to fish up two fish at once. That would help bring in more money to the farm. You thank him and he heads off toward his tent. It starts to lightly drizzle. You bring in your line and out your fishing gear away. You just want to sit and listen to the rain hit the water. 

A few minutes later, the rain starts to pour down. It suddenly starts to lighting. This frightens you. You don't want to be outside when it's storming. You grab your gear and race toward Robins house. You quickly go inside. Robin is behind her counter, working on some blueprints.


"Hi Robin! Is it okay if I chill here til the storm passes? I was fishing and I thought it was just suppose to rain, not storm!" 

"Of course you can stay here! Just put your fishing stuff over there." She points to the corner. You go and take off your raincoat and stuff. 

"Maru is at work and Demetrius is off in the mines today studying the water. Sebby is home though. He's downstairs playing a game with Sam." She smiles at you. "I'm going to go start some lunch for everyone." 

"Thanks Robin. You're the best. I'm gonna go bug the guys." Robin gives you a mischievous smile while you head down to Sebastian's room. You knock and can hear Sebastian groan a little.

"It's just me!" You chuckle. You hear screeching of a chair and the door opens.

"Hey, Y/N." Sebby gives you a soft smile. "Come in. Sam and I were just about to play Solarion Chronicles. Want to join us?"

"Yes! I haven't played in years." You follow Sebby into his room and sit across from him. 

"Hey Y/N! I didn't know you played!" Sam said excited 

"Yeah! It's been a long time though. Someone refresh my memory on how to play." 

The boys smile at you. They eagerly show you how to play again. Once your memory is refreshed, you guys start to play. You end up playing with them all night. Your party ends up defeating the evil wizard, successfully completing the game. 

"That was a lot of fun!" You exclaim.

"Definitely. I'm gonna head home now. Later guys." Sam yawns. He gets up and leaves, leaving you and Sebby alone. 

The New Farmer in Town (ShanexFemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now