Chapter 12: Unexpected kiss

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"You did really good in the game tonight Y/N." Sebby said.

"Thanks! It was fun." You smile at him. It's heading on two in the morning. "I probably should head home soon. Ugh, I'm not even tired honestly." Sebastian gives you a soft smile. 

"Come on. I'll take you to the lake. It's really peaceful and quietly this late at night." He blushes ever so slightly. 

"Sure! I wouldn't mind hanging out a bit longer." 

Sebastian motions for you to follow him. You both head out of the basement and go outside. The night really is quiet. Everyone has gone to bed. The moon was full tonight. The air felt clean and crisp. You walk beside him heading for the lake.

"I love fall. It's always been my favorite season."

"I like it because there's less and less sun now."

"Haha, I like that too."

"Really? I kinda took you for a sun girl to be honest."

"Nope. I actually really hate summer. I don't like the heat, I have to water the crops more often, and I just feel miserable. Plus, I feel like I run into more people more often. Now don't get me wrong I like that I'm more social and outgoing since I moved here. But sometimes I miss just being alone. But then again, I don't like being alone either." You both stop and sit under a trees near the lake.

"I get that. I like being a loner. Sometimes I'm forced to hangout with Sam and Abby. I guess that's probably good for me "

"It is. We're humans. We should have some social interactions sometimes. I still get anxious when I'm around too many people. Like at the luau. I know everyone in town but it still made me uncomfortable being around everyone. I loved the moonlight jelly festival but it creeped me out cuz it was so dark. Plus I didn't have anyone to stand with.." Your voice trails off, your mind wanders to Shane. He's barely spoken or texted you since you had spent the night with him what felt like forever ago.

"You okay Y/N?" You snap out of it 

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." You give a reassuring smile. 

For the next hour, you and Sebastian just chat. You guys talk about a little bit of everything. Three o'clock hits and you decide you really should head home. Sebastian offers to walk you home and you happily say yes to that. You guys continue chatting until you reach your front door.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Not a problem. I really enjoyed our night Y/N." 

"I did too." You give him a small smile. You guys just stare at each other for a moment. It doesn't feel awkward surprisingly. Suddenly, Sebastian leans down and starts kissing you. You're caught off guard but don't push him away. You kiss for a moment and then he pulls away.

"Um, uh. S-sorry about that . I don't know what came over me." He says breathlessly.

"It's okay Sebby. I didn't mind. I think I'm gonna head to bed now though." You reply yawning .

"O-okay. Night Y/N."


He walks off the porch with a wave and starts jogging back home. You head inside, take off your clothes and lay down. Your mind is spinning. You wasn't excepting Sebastian to kiss you. You also wasn't excepting to like it. Your mind wanders off to Shane again. You two weren't a thing right? You only slept together once and haven't really spoken to the man since then. You had no idea why he hasn't talked to you. Maybe he didn't want to be anything more than friends. The thought made your chest hurt. You really did have feelings for him but now you're wondering if you're just wasting your time. 

Sebastian definitely has your attention now though. You kinda had a crush on him since you moved here but thought nothing off it because of Shane. But after the nice night with him and getting kissed by him, you may just change your mind about it. You finally fall asleep, and dream about both of the men swirling around in your mind and heart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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