My purr-fect husbando

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Sanem's POV

Even after Jan's repeated reassurance, I couldn't take the incident out of my head. As I retired to the kitchen to make a smoothie for him, my eyes automatically welled up with tears when I remembered the wounds he had on his body. Somehow, I felt indirectly or directly connected to whatever bad had happened to him.

"Hi Sanem..."

I looked up to see the owner of the voice - it was Polen, and her presence automatically perturbed me. She reminded me of Yigit, and Yigit reminded me of that disturbing incident.

"I know I'm a bit of trouble for you, but I seriously want to apologize for whatever my brother did," Polen spoke, hanging her head.

Her words caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting an apology, especially from her. I paused, unsure of how to respond. Part of me wanted to dismiss her, but something in her demeanor made me pause.

"Polen, I..." I started, my voice trailing off. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I appreciate you saying that. It's been a lot to process, but I'm grateful you're acknowledging it."

She nodded, still not meeting my gaze. "I feel terrible about what happened. Yigit...he's not himself lately. I don't know what's going on with him, but it's no excuse for his actions. I just hope Jan is okay."

"You don't have to apologize for that psycho brother of yours. Jan is making sure he is electrocuted on a regular basis until he ends up having no memory of his crime," I say, my tone clipped. I'm still disturbed about the incident.

As I'm chopping up the fruit for Jan's smoothie, I feel Polen's eyes boring into the back of my head. I refuse to acknowledge her presence - she's just a guest in our home, after all. Jan may be willing to put up with her constant meddling, but I'm certainly not.

Polen forces a smile as she looks at me. "What are you making?"

"Smoothie for my husband," I reply shortly. The less I have to interact with her, the better.

"Smoothie for Jan? Can I help?" she beams, and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Typical Polen, always trying to insert herself where she's not wanted.

"No, you are just a guest. We don't make a guest work. Guests should rest like a guest," I emphasize, making it clear that her place is to sit back and let me handle things.

The smile disappears from Polen's face. "Umm, fine. Between, Jan doesn't like strawberries in his smoothie," she adds, as if I don't know my own husband's preferences.

I pause, feeling my irritation spike. The audacity of this woman is astounding. "That's fine. He didn't like strawberries in the past but from today he will love it," I say, my tone icy.

I can't believe the nerve of Polen sometimes. Does she really think she can just waltz in here and start telling me how to make a smoothie for my own husband? The gall of that woman is astounding.

Jan may be willing to put up with Polen's constant interference, but I certainly am not. This is my home, and I'll be damned if I let her waltz in and try to take over. I'll make Jan's smoothie exactly the way he likes it, without any input from the peanut gallery.

I watched as Jan typed away on his laptop, propped up against the bedpost. He looked so focused, his brow furrowed in concentration. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself - my big grizzly bear, hard at work as always.

Carefully, I brought him the smoothie I had blended just for him. "I made this for you," I said, handing it to him.

"Thank you," he replied, taking the glass from me. I watched as he took an eager sip, his eyes lighting up. "Do you like it?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit anxious. Polen had mentioned that Jan hated strawberries, and I worried the fruit I had used might ruin the whole thing.

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