The lovebirds

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Polen's eyes welled up with tears, the sting of Ceydà's slap still lingering on her cheek. How dare she have the audacity to raise a hand against her? "How dare you slap me?" Polen lashed out, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and indignation.

Ceydà's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a sneer. "Or what? You don't remember that your father abandoned you long ago? You're basically the lowlife you've always despised," she spat.

Polen opened her mouth to retort, but Ceydà continued, "Sanem was the one who took pity on you and let you in. And now you're trying to get your claws into her husband's bed?"

Polen's heart raced, the accusation stinging like a fresh wound. "What was I even asking for? I just wanted a child from Jan. At least then I'd have a piece of him to live with, to serve as his memory," she rasped.

Jan, who had been silent until now, stepped forward, his expression grave. "No, Polen. You won't use the child as a weapon to destroy me in the future. I know you too well. I never loved you, but the time I spent with you was enough for me to understand your deadly motives."

Jan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You know how much this will hurt Sanem if she finds out."

Polen crossed her arms defiantly. "She doesn't have to know. I'll keep it a secret."

Ceyda shook her head in disappointment. "Don't be so shameless, Polen. This is completely ridiculous."

Polen's eyes narrowed as she leaned forward. "I'm not the one being ridiculous here. That would be your brother, the one who was supposed to be committed to me but had someone else on his mind the whole time."

Tears stung Polen's eyes as she continued, her voice wavering. "You can't deny that you loved Sanem and just used me to get business deals. As soon as you were done with me, you started drifting away. And let's not forget, you're the one who sent my ex to seduce me when I was drunk and vulnerable. I ended up sleeping with him!"

Ceydà stared at Jan, her eyes wide with shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You... you did that? How could you?" she stammered.

Jan sneered, a dark look crossing his face. "It's true," he scoffed. "I bribed her ex to get into bed with her because I wanted that cheating excuse out of my life. But tell me, Polen, are you really that naive? Did someone force you, threaten you, blackmail you? No. You willingly spread your legs for him."

He leaned in, his voice lowering to a harsh whisper. "You could have refused him, just like I refused you earlier when you were throwing yourself at me. But you didn't. You made your choice, and now you have to live with the consequences."

Polen grasped Jan's collar, her knuckles turning white. "You fucking manipulator," she spat, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and betrayal.

Jan remained unfazed, his expression cool and calculated. "I am not a manipulator," he said calmly. "I simply know my own cards, as well as those of my enemies."

The words stung, and Polen recoiled slightly. "I loved you, Jan. Why? Just why?" she asked, her voice laced with anguish.

Jan let out a deep sigh. "You loved me, but I made it clear from the very beginning that this was a political alliance for me. I told you I was doing this for my business, and that there were no hard feelings. I even said I could back off at any moment. Why didn't you see the red flags then?"

"Because I Thought I Could Make You Love Me,"Polen whispered,tears streaming down her face.

Jan furrowed in a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"But how, Polen? Tell me, what did you do that would make me love you?" Jan asked, his voice rising. "Offering me your body? Even a prostitute does that. So am I obligated to love them?"

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