||He has two faces||

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Sanem's POV 

I found myself engulfed in a blaze of fever, my body aching as if I had just endured an intense physical ordeal. The strength to open my eyes eluded me, leaving me weak and disoriented. Amidst the haze of pain, the insistent buzz and ring of my phone surged through the fog of my unease.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, I struggled to reach for the device that had disrupted the eerie stillness around me. The effort to rise tested my limits, sending surges of agony through every fiber of my being. Had I suffered a terrible fall that had led to this state of affliction? My hand finally grasped the source of the disturbance, revealing the caller ID: the infamous Emre.

"Hello?" I managed to muster, my voice barely a whisper.

"Kudos to your audacity, Sanem!" his voice barked through the line, dripping with contempt. "I've been trying to contact you for days, and yet you have the audacity to ignore me?"

A wave of nausea churned in my stomach, threatening to overwhelm me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Emre, but you know Jan is always by my side..." I trailed off weakly.

"I'm waiting outside in the car. Aylin wants to meet you. Come quickly, or you'll regret seeing me unleash chaos in your life," his threat hung heavy in the air, chilling me to the core. Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to compose myself, slipping into some semblance of clothing before venturing outside.

As I emerged, Emre gestured for me to enter his vehicle. Once inside, he wasted no time in resuming his verbal assault, his tone dripping with venom. "Are you planning to abandon us?" he sneered. Fear gripped me as his words pierced through the haze of my confusion. "Lost in your honeymoon phase with Jan, who will discard you like a stray dog once he uncovers your true nature. Stay in your place, for you are nothing but a wretch."

His harsh words cut me to the core, the truth of his accusations gnawing at me. As we drove, he continued his tirade, painting a bleak future for me. His taunts pierced my heart, a cruel reminder of the fragility of my current reality.

"I may not fear Jan leaving me, but until then, I cherish the moments we share," I countered, desperation coloring her voice."I don't care if he leaves me, but until then, I want to create cherished memories with him," she said with determination in her voice. Emre couldn't help but chuckle at her resolve, "You will indeed, but perhaps in a rather unconventional setting. And let's not forget, it will be your dear husband who will bestow upon you that dubious honor."

As they continued their journey, a car began incessantly honking behind them, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. Emre, visibly annoyed, cursed under his breath as he begrudgingly made way for the aggressive driver. Despite his efforts, the car persisted in trailing closely alongside them, blaring its horn relentlessly. Emre's frustration reached its peak as he bellowed at the audacious drivers, "What do you think you're doing? Are you trying to race or something, you reckless teenagers!"

My heart raced as she witnessed the car's window rolling down, revealing the ominous figures of the masked individuals who had abducted her before. One of them locked eyes with mine, sending a shiver down my back.

"What's the matter with you? Are you amateurs? Cease that incessant honking!" Emre shouted, his patience wearing thin.

A sense of foreboding washed over me as I anticipated a dire turn of events. Suddenly, the rogue car overtook Emre's vehicle, prompting him to slam on the brakes abruptly, causing me to be jolted from her seat. As Emre stepped out of the car to confront them, he was met with a sudden blow to his face from one of the masked assailants. Slumping to the ground, blood trickling from his nose, Emre mustered his rage, only to be overpowered and immobilized by his assailant.

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