☘️The beginning ☘️

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It has indeed been a grueling day for Sanem. She ventured to meet Emre Bey, bearing a heavy burden in her heart.

"I think I can't do it anymore," she confessed, her gaze filled with regret as she looked at him.

Emre sensed the weight of her words, but he sought clarity, asking, "Can't do what?"

"Betray him," Sanem revealed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, her voice trembling with emotion.

In that moment, she realized something profound - she had fallen for Jan.

"You think he will forgive you once you confess?" Aiyleen's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, revealing her knowledge of Sanem's feelings for Jan Divit.

Sanem stood bewildered as Aiyleen approached her, delicately tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"You don't comprehend his nature. He abhors betrayal. What fate do you think awaits you once you unveil the truth to him?"

Overcome with agitation, tears cascaded down Sanem's cheeks. "But I was deceived by all of you. Emre Bey misled me about that file."

"And what evidence can you present to support your claim?" Emre questioned pointedly, leaving Sanem grasping for solid proof.

"Moreover, once Jan discovers that you sold your perfume to Fabbri, he will be crushed by your actions," Emre continued. "He will have you jailed. We have connections to ensure our escape."

Sanem recalled Emre's words with a pang in her heart, collapsing onto her bed in despair.

This was not the outcome she anticipated. Trapped and manipulated, she found herself the sacrificial lamb, destined for Jan's wrath.

Meanwhile, in Jan's office, his turmoil simmered as he toyed with his coffee mug. A visitor entered, conveying, "She went to meet them."

Jan remained engrossed, consumed by a tempest of emotions - fury intertwined with a fervent sense of jealousy.

Ensuring the survival of his father's company stood as paramount to Jan. Suspicions regarding Emre had long lingered, prompting him to engage a detective. The unsettling findings unveiled Sanem's unwitting involvement, leaving Jan vexed. Despite her inadvertent complicity, his burgeoning feelings for her clashed with her association with the traitors, depriving him of peace. Restless nights ensued as he battled conflicting desires - retribution versus protection.

Sanem was filled with disappointment, her heart heavy with sickness as she grappled with the idea of being separated from Jan. "I can't live without you," she whispered softly, gazing at his photo. This man had captured her heart, though her love for him remained unrequited, a solitary devotion amidst his beautiful girlfriend, Polen.

The following day, as she made her way to the office, a stumble threatened to send her sprawling, only to be deftly caught by a caring soul.

"You should watch your step, beauty."

Sanem chuckled, rolling her eyes at the suave Metin. "Must you always flirt so openly, especially in broad daylight?"

Metin's smile widened, a picture of charm. "Stop what?"

Unbeknownst to them, a jealous Jan watched from above, his eyes clouded with possessiveness. The sight of Sanem laughing with another pricked at his heart. "She appears elated, even after toying with my feelings," his inner voice seethed. The thought of her happiness in another's company stoked a fire within him. "Sanem Aydin, you think I will stand idly by as you find joy with someone else?" Heat rose within him, his jealousy palpable.

A sense of being watched tugged at Sanem, causing her gaze to flit towards the balcony, though it lay vacant. "Odd," she murmured, shaken.

Soon, a deluge of work piled upon her desk, a cruel twist of fate. Files waiting to be sorted seemed to taunt her, an unseen punishment. Recalling a document for Jan, she hurried to his office, only to find it deserted save for scattered papers. Kneeling to tidy the mess, she gasped in surprise as she rose to find Jan looming behind her, the proximity between them electrifying.

Noticing her perspiration, Jan's eyes lingered on her lips. "Searching for information to share with my brother?"

Confounded, Sanem stumbled over her words, her world rocked by his revelation. "No... I..."

Before she could comprehend, Jan pulled her close, accusing her of treachery. "Enough lies, Miss Sanem Aydin! You work for my brother, aiming to undermine this company. Do you think I am unaware?"

Sanem was utterly flabbergasted. She knew this day would eventually arrive, but she never anticipated it to happen so abruptly. Jan, with an air of indignation, leaned against the opulent wall behind her, causing her to startle.

"You know the price you're going to pay. I will not hesitate to expel both you and your sister from their positions within my prestigious company, and subsequently blacklist the both of you. Furthermore, you fully deserve to be incarcerated for betraying my trust."


"What is the matter, Miss Sanem?"

Sanem's attention was abruptly brought back to reality by the sound of Jan's voice cutting through the tension in the room. Jan, with an icy demeanor, stood before her. "Are you feeling unwell?" He furrowed his brows in confusion upon noticing her detached expression. She internally scolded herself for becoming lost in her thoughts. Suddenly, Jan reached out and lightly touched her forehead, as if checking for signs of a fever. "You don't feel cold, but your face is flushed," he remarked, causing Sanem's heart to race.

"No, I... I just had some work to attend to," she stammered.

Jan nodded, his penetrating gaze fixed on the papers in her hand. "Indeed. You should focus on your work," he stated, his thoughts veering towards her.

Sanem nodded curtly and swiftly made her exit from the lavish room. Jan wasted no time in contacting Deren. "Something urgent has come up, Deren. We need to terminate someone's employment."

The next day,Sanem heard that Metin was terminated.

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