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Emre's POV

Ahhh, Jan finally went off on his honeymoon, leaving me with the perfect opportunity. I've been waiting for this day for so long. Time to make my move!

But of course, there's always a catch. Jan had to go and put our cousin Ceyda in charge before he left. Ugh, that woman is such a handful. Everyone thinks she's just this bubbly, scatterbrained personality, but we all know the truth - she's a total boss when it comes to business.

I glanced over at Ceyda, hungrily eyeing the files Jan had left with her. If I could just get my hands on those, I'd be able to supply the information Aiyleen needs. Then she'd have to marry me, right? We'd finally be together, like I've always dreamed.

I nudged Anneim, my partner in crime. "Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking?" I whispered with a mischievous grin.

She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was on board. We've hatched plenty of schemes before, and this one was going to be our biggest yet.

I stared at my mother, Huma, with a mixture of frustration and resentment.

"Listen, son," she began, her voice dripping with false concern. "I'm only helping you because I have faith in your abilities. I want to see you take our family business to greater heights."

I scoffed inwardly. Greater heights? What she really wanted was for me to clean up her and my father's messes, like I always had. My father never gave me a fair chance, always favoring my golden-child of a brother, Jan.Here is a creative story from Emre's point of view:

I never wanted things to turn out this way. But my father's constant favoritism towards my older brother Fikri left me feeling bitter and resentful. He always showered Fikri with praise and affection, while I was left in the shadows, my own accomplishments and talents overlooked.

When Aiyleen came into the picture, determined to destroy Fikri's company Harika, a part of me felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. Finally, here was a chance for me to get back at my father and brother for all the years of neglect and injustice. I could let Aiyleen tear their precious company apart, and in the process, watch my father's heart break.

"Anneim, you had so many chances," I spat. "Why didn't you kill your stepson - that bastard Jan - when he was a child, instead of letting him thrive?"

The words tasted bitter on my tongue, but I meant every single one.

"Don't say something like that,"Anneim retorted. "Your father is a mastermind. He had made me sign on the pre-nuptial contract that if something happens to Jan somehow then he would not give me a penny. You wanted to live on the roads?"

I followed Anneim inside Ceyda's room, curious to see what was unfolding. As soon as we entered, Ceyda immediately closed the documents she had been working on, hiding them beneath the sheets on her bed.

Anneim approached Ceyda sweetly, "Ceyda honey, we know you were here to enjoy your vacation. I can understand that. It's improper for your uncle and Jan to be handing you work during this time."

Ceyda gave us a scrutinizing look, scanning us from head to toe. Her face remained expressionless as she replied, "It's okay, auntie. But Jan didn't thrust this work on me. I asked for it myself."

Anneim licked her lips, a hint of concern in her voice. "Honey, it's just not fair on you. You're already handling our branch, and now this extra work on top of it? I can't stand to see you overloaded like this. You should give these folders to Emre and go out to enjoy your vacation."

I watched, mildly surprised, as Ceyda considered Anneim's words. After a moment, she sighed and said, "Okay. Fine. Here, these are the folders." She handed the documents over to me, and I felt a sense of excitement wash over me.

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