The essence

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It had been months since the disturbing incident happened in Divit household.  Jan was slowly trying to move on, burying himself in the care and preparations for Sanem's pregnancy. Sanem, amidst the demise of Polen and changes, found solace in her homemade perfume project.

One day, Jan noticed Sanem carefully bottling her latest concoction. "Sanem, this perfume is brilliant! Have you considered launching it on a larger scale?" he asked.

Sanem paused, a small smile playing on her lips. "Actually, Jan, I was hoping to launch it at my father's grocery store first."

Jan raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure about that? You could reach so many more people if we took it to the market."

Sanem nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm sure. I want my perfume to be accessible to the common people first. That's where my heart is."

And so, Sanem's homemade perfume made its debut at the humble Aydın Grocery Store. To everyone's delight, it was an instant hit. Customers were flocking to the store, eager to get their hands on the fragrant creation.

Soon, Sanem began receiving offers from major cosmetic companies, eager to distribute her perfume on a larger scale. Sanem seized the opportunity, investing the profits and putting her father Nihat Aydın in charge of the burgeoning business.

Sanem's perfume empire continued to expand, and she became a celebrated figure in the community. Her humble beginnings at her family's grocery store had blossomed into a remarkable success story, a testament to her passion, creativity, and unwavering commitment to her roots.
One fine morning, Sanem was surprised to receive a special envelope in the mail. She eagerly opened it and let out a joyful gasp - it was an invitation to the prestigious Young Businessman Awards! Sanem danced around the room, clutching the envelope to her chest.

"Jan, Jan!" she cried, running into her husband's arms. "I got an invitation to the awards! I can't believe it!"

Jan smiled proudly at his wife. "That's amazing, Sanem! I knew your hard work would pay off. Just imagine, you could end up winning an award from the CEO of Ottoman Essence himself."

Sanem's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, I heard he'll be there as the chief guest. It will be so satisfying to see the look on his face when a woman takes over his business!"

Jan chuckled and pulled Sanem close. "Well, we can't forget that you're nine months pregnant. Make sure you take your vitamins and get lots of rest before the big night, okay?"

On the evening of the awards ceremony, Sanem nervously smoothed her hand over her elegant maternity dress as she took her seat. When her name was called as the winner for Best Perfume, she was utterly shocked. As she walked up to the stage to accept her award, she glanced over at the CEO of Ottoman Essence - and was stunned to see that it was none other than her own husband, Jan!

Sanem stared at Jan in disbelief as he presented her with the award, a warm smile on his face. She had no idea he was the CEO of the company she had been trying to surpass. All this time, her greatest competition had been her beloved partner.

Sanem stood on the stage, her heart pounding as she stared in utter shock at the man walking up to the podium. There, smirking confidently, was her husband, Jan - the CEO of Ottoman Essence. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Divit," Jan said, handing her the award. Sanem muttered a quiet thanks, her mind racing.

Suddenly, Jan addressed the crowd. "Everyone, I have a special announcement to make. This wonderful woman standing before you is not just the brilliant mind behind Ottoman Essence's latest innovations - she is also my wife!"

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