The snakes strike and counter attack

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Every newspaper had made headlines containing Sanem's picture. People were loving her new perfume brand, 'Enchanted Allure.' Netizens were shocked to find that Jan and Sanem were rivals in business but a married couple who were expecting their first child. The world couldn't stop gushing over the fact that Jan was the mysterious CEO of Ottoman Essence.

Sanem's social media account was blowing up with tons of positive comments congratulating her. She felt happy that the hate she was receiving because she couldn't match his status was finally getting justice. Her interviews were streaming everywhere and people couldn't stop fawning over the fact that she made this perfume when she was about to give birth.

"You are shining everywhere, Wifey," Jan said, winking at Sanem as she scrolled through the overwhelmingly positive comments on her phone.

Sanem smiled up at her husband, feeling a swell of pride. She  smirked at Jan, leaning cutely against his chest. "I hope I'm not making you insecure," she teased.

"You're making me obsessed with you," he said, sniffing her hair. Sanem giggled, purring into his chest. "But tonight, you're not making me drink milk."

Jan looked at her sternly. "That's not possible. The doctor told me to take special care of your diet. Okay, I'll add chocolate to it." Sanem cheered up at the prospect.

Meanwhile, Aiyleen was fuming after discovering that Jan was the owner of Ottoman Essence. She swiped through the pages of their company's records. "Isn't this the same company we've been trying to pitch to for years?"

"Yes, ma'am, but they've always refused us at the door," her assistant replied.

Fabri chimed in, "I never knew his wife was a beauty with brains. She made a perfume that's giving competition to Jan's."

"Stop that," Aiyleen snapped. "Jan must have invested his dollars otherwise that stupid bitch would have never gotten this success she is dealing with." She was mad at the prospect that someone like Sanem could rose to the heights of fame within such short span. "Sanem is fake. Jan is fake. Everything about them is fake."

She paced back and forth in her lavish office, her perfectly manicured nails tapping impatiently on the glossy mahogany desk. She couldn't stand seeing Jan and Sanem's smiling faces plastered all over the tabloids, their business flourishing while hers seemed to stagnate.

"This isn't fair!" she exclaimed, slamming her fist down. "I deserve that kind of success, that kind of happiness. And I'll be damned if I let them have it any longer."

Turning to her right-hand man, Fabri, she demanded, "Do something! Don't just sit there - I want you to ruin them, to bring them down. I want Jan and Sanem to suffer the way I'm suffering."

Fabri leaned back in his chair, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Don't worry, Aiyleen, I have the perfect plan. Just leave it to me."

Aiyleen narrowed her eyes skeptically. "Well, out with it then. What's this brilliant idea of yours?"

"It's simple, really," Fabri said, his voice dripping with confidence. "We're going to resurrect an old scandal - something from Jan's past that he'd probably rather keep buried. With a little bit of strategic social media work and some well-placed 'leaks' to the press, we can turn this into a full-blown public relations nightmare for him and Sanem."

Aiyleen's lips curled into a sinister smile. "I like the way you think, Fabri. What exactly did you have in mind?"

Fabri leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, I happened to hear about this ex-girlfriend of Jan's, Polen, who supposedly committed suicide in his own home a few months ago. I think it's time we dug a little deeper into that story and see what kind of skeletons we can uncover..."

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