||For each other's back||

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The sky still had a silver lining of clouds when the sun ripped through its heart. Istanbul's view was magnificent. Love was brimming in the air, announcing the arrival of spring.

But amidst the scenic beauty, Huma had a sour face as she stepped downstairs. Her very lovely son Emre was passed out since last night. She was walking towards the kitchen to make some lemon water for him to cut his intoxication when a familiar silhouette caught her eyes. A familiar feminine figure working in the kitchen.

"When did you return?" Her voice was filled with disapproval.

Sanem gasped but smiled, turning to her mother-in-law. She took off her apron as she tucked her hair smoothly. Fiddling her hands, she replied, "Anneim, actually I came back last night."

"But didn't you guys have a huge fight or something?" Huma questioned, her voice laced with skepticism. "I thought Jan even left his position just to come running to your house and try to fix things."

Just then, Jan appeared in the kitchen, a huge smile plastered on his face. He walked over to Sanem and wrapped his muscular arms around her petite frame, planting a gentle kiss on the top of her head before whispering in her ear, "Good morning, darling."

Sanem blushed furiously, feeling Huma's eyes narrowing at the intimate display. "Good morning," she replied softly.

"I expected to find you still in bed when I woke up," Jan said, his voice low and thick with affection. "What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"I'm making breakfast for you," Sanem answered cheerfully, gesturing to the stack of fluffy pancakes she had prepared.

Jan's expression softened, and he let out a contented sigh. "But you shouldn't be the one working like this. You're already carrying our child," he said, placing a tender hand on her still-flat stomach."My eyes hurt seeing you toiling for me."

"It's fine, Jan. You were so tired, and I didn't want to wake you," Sanem said, caressing his chest gently. "I made you work like a madman these past few days. You never got a proper rest." She chuckled, recalling how adorable he had looked sleeping so peacefully. "But now, go on and get yourself a nice warm shower. I'll bring your breakfast to your room."

With a gentle push, she ushered him out, grinning as she surveyed the tray. Fresh fruit, fluffy eggs, and Jan's favorite Turkish coffee - everything meticulously prepared with love.

Huma watched the exchange, her mind reeling. Just a few days ago, Sanem had been a mess, and now she was happily cooking for Jan, who seemed completely smitten with her. What on earth had changed?

"Alright, you two lovebirds," Huma interrupted, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. "What happened? I thought you were at each other's throats, and now you're all mushy and lovey-dovey. Spill the beans!"

Sanem and Jan exchanged a knowing glance, and Sanem couldn't help but smile. "It's a long story, Anneim," she said. "But let's just say that sometimes, the best things in life come after the storm has passed."

Huma watched her with a hint of envy. "Your mother trained both of you and your sister so well," she said, a tinge of sarcasm in her voice. "You've both bewitched the Divit heirs like a couple of sorceresses."

Sanem could feel the taunt in Huma's voice. Earlier, she would have just ignored the jabs, but this time Huma was bringing her family into it. Forcing a smile, Sanem said, "Mrs. Huma, you're right. It is a mother's duty to train her children. Looking at how Mr. Emre turned out, I think you may have skipped that part."

Huma felt the sting of Sanem's words. But then a vile smirk flashed across her evil face. "Sanem, you can't seriously think you deserve Jan. Look at him - he has everything. He's a self-made corporate leader, talented, handsome, and makes good money. He owns his own car and card. What do you have that could make you the perfect wife for him?"

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