||A shocking revelation||

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Even though Jan had promised Sanem a sweet night, she was already passed out by the time they got home. He gently scooped her up into his arms and carried her inside, wishing she could remember something, anything, about their past together. But the way she looked at him with pure joy and innocence told him she had no recollection.

He laid her down on the bed, carefully brushing the hair away from her face. Her lips were slightly parted as she slept, tempting him, but he resisted the urge to disturb her peaceful slumber.

His eyes wandered to the leather-bound diary sitting on the bedside table. He hesitated for a moment, but his curiosity got the better of him. Quietly, he picked it up and began flipping through the pages.

Sanem had beautiful, flowing handwriting. Jan admired it until he started reading the words she had penned. It was clear from the heartfelt entries that she had been writing to a secret lover. His heart sank as he realized it wasn't him.

"His big, rough hands were warm around my waist. Like they were made in a way to hold me.I had dipped my face in his chest which emitted that masculine scent to drive any woman mad"

Jan stared at the words, his hands trembling with a mix of fury and despair. The words seemed to sear into his mind, replaying Yigit's taunting voice over and over.

"I have given her more happiness than you could give her."

How dare that arrogant man make such a claim? Jan had devoted himself completely to Sanem, showering her with affection and doing everything in his power to make her happy. And yet, somehow, Yigit had wormed his way into her life and stolen her heart.

As the realization sank in, Jan's vision began to blur. His heart raced, the pounding in his ears drowning out all other sound. A murderous instinct surged within him, fueled by the searing jealousy that consumed his every thought.

"Even we made love with each other," he muttered through gritted teeth. "Was I not enough for Sanem? Did I fail to satisfy her?"

The doubts and insecurities that had always lurked in the back of his mind now threatened to consume him. He clutched his head, desperately trying to rein in the storm of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

Jan knew he couldn't let his anger get the better of him. Sanem was the most important thing in the world to him, and he couldn't jeopardize their relationship, no matter how tempting the idea of confronting Yigit might be.

It was past midnight. Sanem felt parched and fluttered her eyes open. She found Jan asleep beside her with his back towards her. She smiled, seeing that he had changed her into a comfortable oversized t-shirt, knowing it was his caring gesture. Sanem placed a gentle kiss on his brooding back before rising on her legs to fetch herself some water.

Her eyes landed on her phone screen flashing with Yigit's caller ID. She tsked before picking it up and walking towards the balcony. "What is wrong with you, Yigit? I think I told you everything is done between us?"

Yigit's desperate voice came through the line, "I can't sleep, Sanem."

"Then take some sleeping pills," she replied bluntly, her response shocking him. His hand fisted with frustrated tears rolling down his eyes. "You were looking beautiful in the party," he said, his voice laced with longing.

"What do you want to say, Yigit? It's late and you're calling someone's wife. Do you know you look like a mentally unstable person right now?" Her voice was laced with exasperation.

"I want to meet you," he stated, his tone almost pleading.

Sanem's brow furrowed. "That's not possible. I have a ring on my finger now, Yigit. You know what that means."

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