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11:47 am

The next day was the infamous SLTs vs CUMLORDS footy match, Sera stood at the drinking fountain filling up her drink bottle ready for the match. she wasn't a very sporty person but she happily took the opportunity to knock Spider, Ant and all those boys down a few begs. A deep cough caught her attention, she looked up to meet Spider's eyes. Quirking her eyebrow at him in question she waited to hear what he had to say. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I had a shit day and I acted out" She nodded slowly, taking a sip from her bottle as Spider waited patiently for her to speak. "I forgive you, but I hope you are ready to lose today. I've got a lot of pent-up emotions." Spider chuckled softly putting his hands on her waist, he dragged his eyes over Sera's body, the red guernsey making her tanned skin appear golden. The small black shorts hugged her legs and ass in the best way, and the cute little loose braids shed tied with matching red ribbon made Spiders heart flutter. "God you are breathtaking" Spider tilted his head down brushing his lips against Seras she stood a little taller anticipating his lips on her, when another cough interrupted them. Sera peeked behind Spider to see Coach Voss with a grumpy expression and tightly crossed arms, "Spencer, let's get out on the field." The tall blonde nodded dropping his arms from around Seraphine. She pouted up at him and he just responded by pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before jogging to catch up to Voss.

12:00 pm

"Are we gonna let these knuckleheads rob us of our basic school rights!" Amerie stood before the small group of girls and Malakai giving the pep talk to get determined for the game ahead. "No!" Sera yelled along with the other, "We have just as much of a right to sports facilities as those dickheads. This bullshit idea that men get first dibs on sports grounds just 'cause they got dicks." Sasha just had to interject, "Transphobic but.." Sera rolled her head looking at Harper who nodded. "Are we gonna stand for that?" Amerie continued, and the girls responded with a less than enthusiastic no, " I said, are we going to stand for that!" Sera and the rest of the group started getting more hyped ready to take the CUMLORDS down "No!" "Okay. So get out there and give 'em hell!" They cheered and clapped ready to take the win for the SLTs.

Sera stood with Harper doing their warm-ups together and chatting. Seraphine looked in the direction of Quinni and Darren who decided to spectate over participate, Quinni waved at her enthusiastically. Sera waved back as Darren responded with a thumbs up, "You ready to win?" Harper asked. Sera nodded with determination, "A chance to rub a victory in my boyfriend and brother's face, you know I am." Amerie stormed over the pair as Harper and Sera looked in the direction to see Malkai switching sides.  "He can't do that!" Sasha screeched but it was too late, the game was about to start.

Coach Voss held the ball, whistle at the ready. Spider and Seraphine stood in the middle eyes locked on the ball, "ready to lose Angel" Spider said in a sickly sweet voice. Sera chuckled darkly "you wish blondie."

With the blow of the whistle, Coach Voss hoisted the footy in the hair, Spider jumped high smacking the ball right of Seraphine, she muttered a curse before running after the ball. The crows were cheering loudly as the teams fought and pushed for the ball, but within seconds Rowan had scored the first goal for the CUMLORDS. The SLTs groaned with agitation, more set on winning now. 

"Harper! Don't touch her. She'll put you in jail." Spider yelled earning a laugh from his teammates, Sera turned to him with anger in her eyes. "Shut the fuck up Spider!" she yelled at him he jolted back not used to seeing this side of his girlfriend. Sera made her way to Harper putting a hand on the blonde girl's shoulder, "Oi, Harps you ok? you can sit out for a second. we don't mind" Sera said with concern, she watched the girl anxiously scratch at her arm and took her hand in her own. Harper just shook her head, "nah I'm good Angel," Sera nodded before jogging to her position.

The game had been going for a while the CUMLORDS in the lead, before Amerie slid in kicking a goal for their side bringing the score to 22 to 20. The boys were still winning but only just. Sera tried to keep her head in the game but also kept a close eye on Harper who was pacing on the field. "Oh fuck this" Harper muttered, the ball had landed in Ant's hands, and as if in slow motion Harper tackled him to the floor pushing and hitting him into the grass. Ant was groaning in pain, from being winded and then attacked further. Principal Woodsy pulled Harper off taking her away quickly, Sera rushed to Ant to check on him. "Anthony? Are you ok?" she checked over him, her hands sliding off his oily arms. Odd. "fucking psycho" Spider muttered crouching next to the twins, Sera faced him with a red face. Shed had just enough of him today, "get fucking lost Spencer!" She pushed him over till he landed flat on his arse, Amerie grabbed Sera pulling her away from the boys.

Word Count: 961

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