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Respectively, the dog was named after our lost team mate. I was going to go for a direct Pietro, however, Barton beat me to it, calling it for the middle name of his newborn. Instead of Sonic, I chose to use part of his last name, a.k.a the most unoriginal name in the world.

"Max, come," I called, standing at the front door.

Following my word, I excluded myself from seeing the Avengers for a while. I taught self defense at the local YMCA to earn some money. The normalcy I'd yearned for my entire life I finally happened. And I had one thing to say about it: I hated it.

Three months after the events of Sokovia, my best friend told me to meet him at a park near my apartment. Eager to see him, and my godchildren, I hooked Max on a leash and jumped through a portal to the park.

"God, I'll never get used to that," muttered Carter. He hugged me tight. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you're alive... I knew you were a skilled agent, but saving the world? I didn't know you had that in you."

"Former agent," I corrected, breaking away from him.

The two boys behind him glared at me when I looked at them. The oldest, John, crossed his arms over his chest. Looking far less menacing, Trevor copied his older brother.

I tilted my head. "Are you two mad at me? Is it because I haven't talked to you?"

"No, it's because we had to find out our godmother was a bad ass on the news," grumbled John.

"Language," reprimanded Carter.

I giggled. "Ah, you sound like my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" John and Trevor chorused. John continued, "There's more you aren't telling us?"

"First you don't tell us you are a spy, or an Avenger--" said Trevor.

"Temporary Avenger. Not a spy," I corrected.

"Do you have a superhero name?" he asked.

"Not that I'm aware of."

"You have powers," said John.

"That is true."

"Dad said you got shot through your hand?"

"Also true."

Trevor's eyes widened. "Can I see it?"

John nudged his little brother. "No, we're still angry," he whispered.

"Right," muttered Trevor, narrowing his eyes at me.

"How did you two find out about me?" I asked.

"I read through some of the S.H.I.E.L.D files and your name popped up," said John, "And then, we saw you on TV, fighting in Sok... Sok--"

"Sokovia," I pronounced, "Look, kids, when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D, I made the Director promise your family wouldn't ever be included in any files about me. That meant I couldn't tell you about me, or tell anyone about you."

Trying to help his boys understand, Carter said, "It was to keep us safe."

"And to keep away any enemies I made through this job."

"Do you have your own villain?" asked Trevor shyly.

"Not yet."

Unsure if I was worthy of his forgiveness, John asked to see my powers. I curled my fingers, opening a portal beside us. I tossed Max's tennis ball through, sending my dog back to my apartment. I closed it.

"I'll tell you everything about my life," I promised, "From when I first used my powers, to when I moved in with your father, then until Sokovia."

John's eyebrows suddenly raised. Trevor's jaw dropped. Before I could ask what they were reacting to, John asked, "Who's your boyfriend?"

In Your Eyes // Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now