Allies Against Thanos

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As the Guardians of the Galaxy, as they called themselves, met the Avengers, there was easily rejection in the air. Peter, Strange, Tony, and I all felt one way about our new allies: unsure. In wishing for aid on this journey, I did receive it, but a feeling deep in my core told me it was not going to go as I had hoped.

Nevertheless, I tried to work past the uneasiness, relying on the human part of me I trusted in to resort to the benefit of the doubt. In a time where I was being advised to release the human mentality settled into my body, I met the Guardians, and trusted in them to understand the severity of our situation. Who couldn't, when the fate of half the universe rested partly in our hands?

Quill raised his hand. "All right. Nice meeting everyone, but Thanos is coming, and probably soon, so I'm gonna start seeing if we can use the planet for an advantage on him."

"How so?" I asked curiously.

He tilted his head towards where they crashed into a hole in our ship. "I'll show you."

Exiting the ship, I blinked profusely at the tinted orange glow of the planet. A quick observation of the landscape told me the place was desolated, years prior.

Crashed and decaying ships were settled into the rocky terrain. Remnants of buildings were crumbled in the distance. No life existed on Titan, no plants, even. It was a greying planet, abandoned.

I was taken aback by the absolute shock of never before setting eyes on a planet that wasn't full of life, wondering if this was what my life would be now, exploring planets, eliminating threats, helping life... I didn't notice I had begun to lose touch with the ground underneath my feet.

"Uh, Pete?" I asked.

Peter shot a web at my open hand and tugged me down to the ground.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What the hell happened to this planet?" I asked Quill in return.

Quill was walking slowly across the terrain, holding a small, glowing pillar in the air. He observed, "It's 8 degrees off it's axis, the gravitational pull is all over the place."

Stark nudged my arm. I looked to where he was looking, at Mantis jumping up and down on a gravitational pull, spreading her arms and legs. We exchanged yet another look of disappointment.

"Yeah, we've got one advantage," chimed in Stark. "He's coming to us. We'll use it."

When Quill returned from reading the statistics of the planet, we gathered around in a circle to speak of a plan.

I put my hands on my hips. "Okay. So what do we know about him?"

"He's tall, he's big, he has two Stones, that we know of," said Quill. His eyes saddened. "It might be three by the time he gets to us."

"Three Infinity Stones against eight people. Great chances," I mumbled, rubbing my forehead. "Well, Strange and I are the best defense in terms of power so whatever plan we have, we need Strange and I at the forefront to disarm him."

"Are we trying to destroy the Stones, first ?" asked Peter.

"If possible, I can try. Get the Gauntlet off, give it to me, I can do what I can to destroy it," I agreed.

"I interrogate him and find out where Gamora is," added Quill.

"So, we draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. We definitely don't wanna dance with this guy, we just want the Gauntlet..." Stark began to say, but he then paused. His face furrowed in offense when he looked at Drax. "Are you yawning? In the middle of this? While I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?"

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