Summary 🤗

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About 2 years ago :

Payu was a complete nerd and likes Rain a lot who is the hottest guy in the entire Uni

During his final year Payu makes up his mind and proposes Rain but was badly humiliated in front of everyone and rejected

This hurts Payu deeply

After two years Rain's parents company goes bankrupt and the only solution is to marry their son to a CEO of their business partner

Rain doesn't know who was it and to save his parents he finally agree and will be shocked when he finally knows that the CEO whom he is going to get married is completely transformed Payu who is looking the most hottest and handsome guy now

Payu plans this marriage knowingly because he wants to revenge on Rain for the humiliation he had years ago

He just wants to marry Rain and make his life as hell

(It will be Alpha Omega version)

Will they fall in love...???

Authors note : I know some people don't want me to start new story when I already have two ongoing and also some people want me to finish those

But please don't worry I have just published the introduction and summary

The story will be started after few more days

The reason I dropped summary is that I what to know if everyone likes this plot or not ☺️☺️😊

I will wait for your responses 🤗🤗🤗

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