Who is the jerk Rain or Payu ???

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Story starts from two years ago :

Payu and Rain were studying their post graduation in Business major as both of their families backgrounds were businessmen and had huge companies under their names

Both Payu and Rain were sons of rich businessmen and they had to complete they post graduation in Business to handle their family business in future

Rain was hottest guy in the Uni and was also a play boy who used to flirt with each and everyone

Half of the girls and guys in the Uni used to drool over him because he comes from a rich family and also very good looking

In the same Uni Payu was also studying but he was a nerd. No one ever notices him and approaches him

He was in final year and Rain was one year junior to him

From the day Payu saw Rain he liked him a lot and always thought of approaching him and say him that he likes him a lot but Rain was always surrounded with girls and guys

Even though he was a nerd Payu thought of telling his feelings once before graduating from Uni and see if Rain likes him back

(No one in the Uni knows that Payu comes from a richer family than Rain because he never showed off anything in front of anyone)

Days passed by and it was getting close to final years graduation so Payu's finally makes up his mind to confess his feelings to Rain

He tries to dress up well and buys a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate

Taking a deep breath Payu approaches Rain

Rain was sitting with his friends smoking in smoking zone

Payu goes in front of him

Payu : Hello Rain can I speak to you for a while...???

Rain looks at Payu

Rain : Who is this guy...???

Friend : I don't know

Rain : Yes tell me why do you want to speak to me....???

Payu : Actually my name is Payu and I am in final year

Rain : So...???

Payu : I will be graduating in few days

Rain : Okay so what...???

Payu : Before graduating I just want to say my feelings for you

Rain : What type of feelings...???

Payu : I have been seeing you from the time you joined this Uni and I like you so much

He gives the bouquet of roses and box of chocolate to Rain

Payu : I like you so much Rain
Can you give me a chance in your life...???

Listening to Payu's confession Rain laughs loudly along with his friends

Payu was confused

Rain gets closer to Payu and blows the smoke of cigarette on his face and takes the bouquet. He puts it on the ground and smashes it with his shoes

Then he takes the box of chocolate and throws it on Payu's face

Rain : Do you see yourself in the mirror...???

How dare you even think of confessing me...??? You bloody ass hole

Do you at least know who I am...???

How do you even think that you can match me...??? Fucking nerd

Most beautiful girls and guys are in queue to date me and you fucking nerd you want to date me...???

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