Rain's first day and the worst day

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Rain : What the hell the fucker thinks about me...???
I rejected him 2 years ago so he is revenging on me

What the hell should I do without money and vehicle...???
I don't know anything about cooking

I have never done any work for myself till now and how can I manage all these...???

Whole night he couldn't sleep thinking what to do

Here Payu was so satisfied because he waited for this moment from a long time. He happily goes to sleep

Next morning :

Payu wakes up first in his usual time by 7am then he works out after that he irons his suits, puts his clothes in laundry, cleans his room and then goes to kitchen and cooks breakfast for himself

It was already 8:30 when Rain opens his eyes because he was so hungry and wanted to eat something

He goes down so see Payu having his breakfast

Payu : Oh my new bride you woke up...???

For your kind information from tomorrow you should be at office sharp at morning 9am. If not I know what to do

Rain : I am hungry what should I eat

Payu : There are sufficient groceries at home cook and eat or else starve I don't care

Get ready soon and be in office. It's your first day so I will give you half an hour more time

Rain : How the hell should I come to office ass hole...??? I just woke up and didn't even eat anything upon that I don't even have any vehicle to reach office

Payu : Travel in public transport or walk I don't care

Saying this Payu takes his car key and walks out of the house

Here Rain didn't know what to do. There were groceries and vegetables at home but he doesn't even know how to even use them and prepare a dish

Thankfully he sees a basket of apples so he quickly takes it and eats it

There were some fresh juices kept in the fridge so he drinks that

Then he quickly goes and get ready and comes out of the house

He walks for 5 minutes and finally asks a person on street about the nearest bus stop

That person says to walk 5 more minutes on the same way and he will reach the bus stop

So totally it takes 10 minutes of walk from Payu's home to reach the nearest bus stop

Rain was literally feeling tired because the sun was already shining

Rain : Bloody fucker I will kill him one day for sure
His death is in my hands

After 10 minutes of waiting a bus arrives. Rain gets inside the bus for the first time in his life

The bus was crowded and there was no seat to sit. Rain closes his nose

Rain : God...!!! This bus stinks
How do even people travel in bus

After so much of struggle finally Rain reaches Payu's office by 9:35

Payu had already told login time is 9:00 but he gave him extra half an hour to reach because it was his first day. Rain reaches 5 minutes late

Rain was told to go meet Payu in his cabin

Payu : Why are you late...???

Rain : What...???
It's 9:35 I came on time

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