Hold me tight ♥️♥️♥️

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Payu falls on his knees again and holds Rain's hands

Payu : I know what I said was completely wrong and I hurt you but please can you give me one more chance to show my love to you

Rain : Who loves whom...???

Payu : I love you baby

Rain : Who is baby now...???

Payu : You are my baby

Rain : You always called me a bitch right...???

Payu : I am really sorry I called you like that but it was just to provoke you that's all

But from the bottom of my heart you're my baby and my sweetheart

Rain : I don't love you anymore

Payu kisses on Rain's hands

Payu : Really...???

Rain : Don't touch me...
I will kill you

Payu : Will you kill your Alpha...???

Rain : Get up now don't keep on standing on your knees

Payu quickly stands up again and back hugs Rain

Payu : Are you worried that my knees will hurt...???

Rain : Don't even think of it I don't care anything about you any more and fucking don't touch me idiot

Saying this Rain tries to push him

But Payu was strong and hugs him even more tightly from the back and puts his neck on Rain's shoulder

Payu : I missed you so much

Rain : I didn't miss you at all

Payu : House was not like home anymore when you were gone

Rain : That's not my home anymore

Payu : I know you're angry on me but that's okay I am still taking you home

Rain : I won't come

Payu : Baby please give me a chance and see how I will take care of you this time

Rain : No I am not giving you anymore chance

Payu : Don't you love this nerd...???

Rain : NO...!!!

Payu : Please come home...
This time I will listen to everything you say

Rain : Please go back Payu I am not coming back with you

Payu : Baby I know you can't be apart from me so please come back with me

He turn Rain to face him and cups his face

Payu : Your face is so dull and your eyes are looking so weak. I know you didn't sleep or eat properly....
Come back with me I promise I will take such a good care of you

I will do each and everything for you

Please come back... I can't live without you and you already know that even you can't live without me

Rain : I can live without you

Payu : We both have marked each other baby even if the world try to make us apart we will still meet because we can't live without each other

Rain : So what if we marked each other...???

Payu : We love each other baby and I know we both can't live without each other

So please come back to me my little baby

Rain : I need some time to think

Payu : Sure baby take your own time I will wait for you

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