Sassy baby of Payu 😍😍😍

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Next morning Rain was the one to wake up first

Soon as he wakes up his eyes first falls on his Alpha who was sleeping so closely to him hugging him with both of his hands

Rain moves a little and looks at Payu's face. He waves his hand on his face but no reaction as he was in deep sleep

Taking this as an advantage Rain hugs Payu and rests his face on his chest

(Rain : I missed this heart beat so much
I missed hugging you so much)

He was happily hugging when Payu moves a little

Rain immediately moves a little far from him and acts as if nothing happened

Payu slowly opens his eyes and smiles when he sees Rain's face

Rain : Why are you looking at me like that...???

Payu : Because you're the most beautiful omega I have ever seen in my life

Rain : Liar !!!

Payu gets close to Rain and touches his lips

Rain : What...???

Payu : I missed you so much baby

(Rain was dying to scream loudly and say yes I missed you too like hell but he keeps quite)

Rain : I didn't miss you at all

Payu : Baby I know you're angry on me but don't say that you didn't miss me because you're eyes won't lie to me

Rain : What are my eyes saying...???

Payu gets very close to Rain's face
Both breath starts falling on each other

Payu : You're eyes says that you missed me

Saying this Payu looks at his lips and gets very close to his lips

Rain : Why are you getting close to me...???

Payu : Can we kiss...???

Rain : No !!!

Payu : Please baby it's been more than a week we kissed

Rain : I am not letting you even touch me so stay far away from me

As Rain was telling this even his eyes falls on Payu's lips and his heart was making crazy dance just to devour those lips but he maintains his sanity and acts as if he is seriously not interested

Payu : Baby please just one kiss

Rain : No means no and don't even touch me

Even though Rain was telling Payu not to touch him but he himself was touching Payu's shoulders to stop him from kissing

Payu : I am not touching you but you're touching me

Rain : Oops sorry

Payu : Baby please don't act so stubborn

Rain : It's not stubbornness but it's how I be with you from now on

Payu : So you agree to come with me...???

Rain : Who said that I agreed...???

Payu : You said it just now baby that from now on you will be like this

Rain : I said that till you be here and better go back today

Payu : Oh my sweetie I am not going anywhere without you

Rain : What about the company...???

Payu : I told Tony to take care as of now

Rain : How is your dad now...???

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