It's getting hot 🔥 here 🙈🙈🙈

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Rain : Now you look like a nerd who proposed me two years ago but in a different way

Payu looks at him and removes the specs and gets very close. He stares at his eyes and the lips

Payu : Oh really different what does different way mean...???
Do I look more sexier now...???

He was literally so close to Rain's lips

Suddenly Rain came back to his senses and pushes Payu away

Rain : Move you idiot...
Who said you're sexy...???
Girls like who was in your cabin and whom you went to drop at the evening should tell you all these nonsense that you look sexy

Payu : By any chance are you jealous...???

Rain : Omg look who is speaking...!!!
You are just over obsessed of yourself

Payu : Really...!!!
Then why did you come back home in bus when I told Tony to drop you

Rain : When you said Tony to drop me even I was sitting right there. You could have spoke to me instead of telling your manager

Oh wait...!!!
Why will you speak to me when you were so busy and in hurry dropping that girl...

Payu : Jealous again

Rain : Told you idiot you're just over obsessed of yourself, why the hell will I get jealous over shit like you

Payu gets even more closer now

Payu : But you're eyes says something else

Rain : Yes it's saying that you are a biggest ass hole I ever met in my life

Payu : Now stop arguing and go to sleep

Rain : Give extra blankets I am feeling cold

Payu gets extra blankets and puts it on Rain

Payu : Sleep now good night

Rain tries to go to sleep but he starts feeling so cold. Slowly he started shivering

Rain : Why my luck is so bad...???
Omg I am feeling so cold. Will I die in sometime...???

What the hell should I do...??? That devil will be sleeping peacefully

Rain tries to bear the cold but couldn't so without any other option he takes his mobile and calls Payu

Payu : What...??? Why are you calling me at this time and disturbing my sleep...???

Rain : I am feeling so cold

Payu : So what should I do...???

Rain : Can you get me extra blankets...???
I am not able to bear the cold

Payu : I am sleeping search it yourself

Saying this Payu disconnects the call

Rain feels like crying now. He somehow manages to get up from the bed but couldn't as his body didn't have any energy left

Rain : Good I die tonight instead living with a devil like him

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