The meteor KISS 💫✨😍♥️😘

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Payu : " I do all these only with you"

Listening to this Rain shows his pinky finger

Rain : Pinky promise...???

Payu : What childishness is this...???

Rain : It might be childish to you but it's still a promise to me

Payu holds Rain's pinky finger with his pinky finger

Payu : "Promise"

Rain : Can I go to my part time job after taking rest till evening

Payu : Don't you understand when I say no going out until your heat gets over

Rain : Okay fine then let me go to my room and take rest

Payu : Don't go out of this room until you're heat gets over

Rain : But I am comfortable in my room

Payu : You anyhow sleep on my chest so don't give me these reasons

Rain : But...

Payu takes the gel from the packet

Payu : Open your legs

Rain : Why...???

Payu : To apply this gel to you torn up ass hole

Rain : Give it to me I will apply myself

Saying this he takes the tube of gel from Payu's hand

Rain : Look aside I want to apply the gel

Payu : I saw each and every part of your body so don't act being shy...
Let me see how you will apply the gel yourself

(Rain : This idiot is really so shameless. He wants to see naked each and every time)

Rain removed his pant and inner. He tries to bend and apply the gel but his back hurts so badly that he starts screaming because of the pain

Payu : Told you...But no....
You can't listen to me when I say it one time

Payu takes the tube of gel back from Rain's hand and starts applying it

(Rain : I thought this devil only wants to fuck me but he is taking care of me so well)

Payu : Sleep now

Rain : Are you going to office now...???

Payu : How will I go...???
You're on heat and the heat wave can hit anytime time so I will work from home until it gets over

Saying this he goes to his working table and starts working on his laptop

(Rain : So this devil has already planned to tear my ass apart till my heat gets over
Oh my poor ass you have to bear so much more)

Time passes...

Rain goes to sleep peacefully for 2 hours when his heat wave hits again

Rain : Payu....

Payu was in a meeting but when he sees Rain struggling with his heat wave he immediately goes to him and they make out with each other

Rain : Ahhhh I can't do this...
I am really getting so tired and my back bones are about to break

Payu : There is no other option

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