Payu's rules for Rain 😣

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At Rain's home :

Rain : Mom... Dad....

Mom : What happened my son why are you shouting like this...???

Rain : Is there any other option to save our company...???
I mean I can do anything except marry that ass hole

Dad : Why son what happened...???

Rain : He is an asshole and I don't want to marry him. I will do anything to save our company but not marry that fucking shit

Dad : I think you have misunderstood him. As far as we heard he is a good guy and everyone praises him for his soft nature

Rain : Soft...??? He is faking himself as a good man in front of the world but he is literally a piece of a shit

Mom : Rain please calm down and listen to us first. The main thing is we don't have any other option or way left to save our company

Payu is the only man who came forward and said that he will help us with everything and in return he just to marry you

Dad : When we asked the reason that why he wants to marry you, he said he saw you in some business meet and liked you

Rain : Mom... dad....
He is just making up stories

Mom : Why will he make up stories...???
He being so rich he can marry anyone but he chose you....

Rain : Yeah that's that thing out of everyone why he wants to marry me...
He is just want to take revenge that's all

Mom : Revenge...???
What type of revenge....???

Rain : Oh nothing....
I just blabbered in anger

(Rain could not tell the actual reason why Payu was marrying him. If he tell the real story definitely his mom and dad will blame him because in the past he had humiliated Payu)

Dad : Rain I know you're angry because out of nowhere this marriage topic has come but can you understand he is saving our company from a disaster

Mom : It's not like we are asking to marry someone without anything. Payu is so rich and a good man. He will definitely take a good care of you

(His mom starts crying)

Mom : Rain please we beg you. I will even fall on your feet. Please agree to this marriage because if something happens to our company me and your dad will hang ourselves

Rain : FINE...!!!
Is there any other option left in my life to say no to this...

Saying this Rain goes to his room

Rain : What does that ass hole think he can do to me...???
Piece of a shit...!!! He bloody called me a bitch. How dare he call me that...???

Omg...!!! What the hell should I do...???

Next day Rain's parents calls Payu and informs him that Rain is okay for this marriage

Listening to this Payu smiles like a creep because he was successful for what he planned on revenging Rain

Payu speaks to Rain's parents politely and says them that he was happy about it

Rain was so frustrated thinking that his life is going to turn completely upside down in few days

Rain : Let that fucker plan what ever he wants. He thinks he can trick me the same way he tricked my parents but I know how to deal with that devil

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