Rain's new plan !!!

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After taking shower Rain was still feeling tired because along with taking a shower he also did something else. So he goes back to the bed and sleeps for sometime

After about two hours Rain wakes up completely feeling hungry

Rain : That idiot told there is some porridge in the fridge let me go have it

He goes downstairs and heats up the porridge which Payu had kept in the fridge

He was so hungry he eats two bowl of it

Rain : Hmmm how come this devil knows to cook so well...???
I mean it was not bad

After eating Rain was not sleepy anymore. He was sitting and thinking what to do

When suddenly he gets a idea

Rain : There is lot of time left for the devil to come back home so let me go meet John and come back quickly before he come home

(John : Rain's close friend)

He quickly gets ready and goes to meet John in his apartment

Both starts talking Rain explains each and everything to John

John : Omg...!!! Rain are you crazy to live with a person like that...???
I suggest you to divorce him

Rain : I can't divorce him John because I married him in order to save my parents company and now everything is in his hands. I can't even think about it

John : But this is ridiculous Rain you're saying that he is not even paying you for the work your doing in his company

Rain : I really don't know what to do John. I am really fed up travelling in those dirty buses

John : Oh my Rain I never thought you will be in this situation. I thought you married a CEO of the company and a rich guy so you will be enjoying your life at the most

Rain : No it's completely opposite of that. I don't even have money in my hand to spend it for myself

Each and every single amount I spend is being watched by his manager

John : Hmmmm let me give you a idea but I don't think your husband will allow it but still you can try

Rain : What is it...???

John : I will search a good part time job for you in any good place. You can work there after your shift hours in your husband office

The payment which you get in your part time job cannot be taken by your husband

Rain : Wow that's a good idea but do you think he will allow me to do that...???

John : It's in your hands to ask him Rain. I can search an easy and good part time job for you. Rest is in your hands

(Rain was clear head but after meeting John now everything makes him confused. After the idea of part time job and extra money now Rain wants to do it so that he can spend the money for himself)

Rain : I will try to speak to him by tomorrow and let you know. You start searching a part time job for me

John : Okay I will do that

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