My little horny Omega 🔞🙈

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(After watching meteor shower and a romantic kiss together)

Payu : Do you want to go back home or stay here in farm house tonight...???

Rain : Hmmm...
Let's stay here this place is so beautiful even in the dark. I just want to see how beautiful it looks in the morning

Payu : Okay

Payu's takes him to bedroom

Rain : Where should I sleep...???

Payu : There are other bedrooms too but only this is room is clean as of now in this farm house

Rain : So can I sleep here with you...???

Payu : Then what else...???
You want me to give you the bed and sleep on the couch like they show in romantic dramas...???

(Rain murmurs
"Once a devil always a devil")

Payu : Did you say something...???

Rain : No.. No.. I didn't

Payu : Then comes let's sleep

Rain : Actually... that... I...

Payu : What now...???

Rain : We didn't have dinner....
I am hungry

Payu : Oh I forgot about it
But there are no groceries here....

Rain : Should we sleep in empty stomach...???

Payu : Hmmm...
Nearby there is a small hotel. Like really small hotel. Will you eat there...???

Rain : Anywhere is fine....
I am just so hungry

Payu takes him to a nearby small hotel

The tables were kept outside without any roof on top and the customers should sit and eat there under the sky

Payu : Are you okay to sit and eat like this...???

Rain : Yes I am fine

They start eating

Payu was eating and doesn't even look at Rain but...

Rain feels his heart dancing because it was so beautiful to sit with someone and eat under the sky. He never did anything like this with anyone before and felt like it was most beautiful moment

For few seconds he even stops eating and unknowingly starts looking at Payu

Payu suddenly looks at him and waves his hand in front of his face

Payu : Hello...

Rain comes back to his senses

Payu : What happened...???
Is the food here not good...???

Rain : Nothing...
The food is so tasty

Saying this he continues to eat the food

After having the food Payu was about to go near the car

Rain : Payu....

Payu : What...???

Rain : I am not sleepy yet...
Can we go for a walk...???
The sky is so beautiful tonight and even this place is also beautiful

(Rain was so confused already but one thing going on in his mind was from tomorrow again everything will be like before and all these will come to an end. He knows this will be the last night Payu will listen to him again from tomorrow he will be back in his devil form)

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