The devil is back 🔞🔞🔞

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Payu in his bathroom

Payu : Oh mom why did you call...???
I was about to eat my cutie in the pool

After sometime both gets ready and comes out of their rooms

They look into each others face and was totally embarrassed and didn't know how to react

They both starts walking quietly and reaches the car
Even in the car they were completely silent and didn't know what to speak

Finally Rain speaks first

Rain : Which is your dad's favourite flower...???

Payu : It's white lilies

Rain : Okay park the car in any flower shop I will get it for dad

Payu parks the car in front of a flower shop and Rain buys it

They reach Payu's parents house

His mom was the one who welcomes them in main door and she was literally so happy to see Rain

Mom : Rain baby we always wanted to see you but this Payu never brings you here saying that he is busy

Rain : Oh sorry about that mom actually he is really busy nowadays and I am really happy that we came here today

(They go inside the house and Rain greets dad with the flowers he brought)

Dad : Omg... thank you so much my son...
I love these flowers so much

Rain : I am really sorry I couldn't come when you were in hospital dad because I was out of town due to some emergency in my relatives house

Dad : That's really okay Rain...
I am so happy that you came today

Rain : I am happy too dad

Mom : I hope Payu is taking good care of you and if anything you can tell us

Rain : Nothing mom he is so sweet and always takes a good care of me

(Saying this he stares at Payu)

They all sit and talk for sometime and also eat lunch together

After lunch Payu's mom shows all around the house to Rain and finally takes them to Payu's old room

Mom : Rain....
This is your hubby's old room
Sit here I will show you something

Rain : Sure mom

Payu : What is this mom upto now...???

She brings old albums which is full of Payu's old pics

Payu : Mom...!!!
Why are you bringing that now...???
Go keep it where it was

Rain : No mom bring it here I want to see

Mom listens to Rain and brings the albums

Payu : Oh god...!!!

She starts showing all the pics of Payu from childhood and Rain feels that he was so cute because he was such a cute nerd from his childhood

Mom : You both keep looking at these pics I will go get coffee

Rain : Sure mom

As soon as mom walks out of the room Payu tries to close the album

Rain : Don't touch....
Can't you see that I am still looking at it

Payu : But those are not good

Rain : I WANT TO SEE IT...!!!

Payu : Okay fine

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