Rain's most hottest HEAT 🔞

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Both were kissing and devouring each other's lips

Payu : Are you sure we can continue....???

Rain nods his head

Payu grabs Rain's neck and starts kissing him again. This time they use their tongue while kissing

Payu : Put your tongue out

Rain puts his tongue out

Payu : Let's play with our tongues for sometime

Saying this Payu sucks Rain's tongue while twisting and turning it

Both of their saliva started mixing and made them taste each other

Rain : I am getting hard....
I want to release...

Payu carries him on his waist while Rain wraps his legs around his waist

Both continues kissing until they reach the bed. Payu softly drops him on the bed

He gets on top of Rain and starts kissing him again

Rain was getting so hard and it started paining now because he wanted to release

He takes initiative and first removes Payu's jacket and T-shirt

Rain : Please my dick is paining

Payu removes Rain's T-shirt. He doesn't wait for another second and immediately pulls his pants and inner down

Rain was completely naked under Payu now

He was little shy but because of his heat and pain in his dick he couldn't even act shy

Soon as he got naked Rain takes Payu's hand and makes him to touch his hard dick

When Payu's hand touched it, Rain immediately starts moaning because it was first time an alpha touched him in his heat

Rain : Do something I want to release it

Rain makes Payu's hand to push and pull his dick but.....

Payu pushes his hand and stops it

Rain opens his eyes with full desperation and disappointment in his eyes

Rain : Why...???

Payu : I know other way to make you cum

Rain : How...???

Payu gets down and spreads Rain's legs. He gets in between his thighs and starts kissing all over it

Rain : What are you upto...???

Payu : Shush....!!!

He gets close to Rain's hardened dick and licks on the top pinkish part which was already leaking with his pre cum

That was it to make Rain see the starts...
He closes his eyes and starts moaning

Payu : I want to listen to your moans so don't stop....

He starts to lick the veins on Rain's dick and goes down to his balls and makes it wet with his hot saliva

Rain : Ahhhh...
Please Payu don't play, I want to release and it's paining a lot
You know right your touches are making me crazy every minute

Payu doesn't stop teasing and starts sucking his balls giving Rain a most seductive look

Rain reaches his limit and shouts loudly

Rain : SUCK ME PAYU....!!!

Payu : I was waiting for you to tell this but I have one condition

Rain : What the hell condition you have now in middle of this...???

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