My jealous and sassy omega 😅😍

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Rain comes out of Payu's cabin completely pissed

Rain : Fucking ass hole so he pranked me in the morning by giving those options

Now I understand why all of a sudden he gave my cars keys back

Idiot.. scoundrel.. he doesn't have anyone so that he picked a PA who is an omega and that bitch is already drooling over him

Rain was literally so upset

It was lunch time so he goes to cafeteria. He doesn't have any other friends. He was sitting alone and having his lunch

That's when Payu and Zen comes there with their plates of food and sits opposite to Rain and starts eating

Rain : Fucker he don't want any Alpha's around me and now see happily sticking with his new PA omega

If I find any good Alpha friend I promise that I will show who I am to this devil

He doesn't know about me and testing my patience right...???

Even I have a time to blast him

He was so angry that he doesn't even he look at Payu and Zen anymore

He eats his lunch and walks out of cafeteria

Evening at the parking when Rain was about to take his car out

Payu comes there along with Zen

Payu : Zen come with me I will tell the driver to drop you as well

Listening to this Rain's temper hits his head

He gets down from his car and goes to Payu

Rain : I need to speak to you

Payu : What now...???

This time Rain holds Payu's hand and pulls him out from there and takes him to lonely place where no one were there

Rain : If I see that bitch Zen sitting in your car I promise I am going to break his legs. Do you want to see that...???

Payu : But he is my PA

Rain : You're very rich right...???
Arrange him another car and another driver but if I see him sitting in the same car as you I promise I will really punch him on his face

Payu : Are you trying to warn me...???

Rain : You take it any way...
As much has rights you have on me now I have the same rights on you because remember we both marked each other

If you want to play like this why the fucking hell you marked me...???

Payu : I am not playing Rain...
I am just doing my job here

Rain : I don't care
Don't make me to go back to my old self

Payu : Are you jealous...???

Rain : Why will I be jealous...???

Payu : Then what is this called as...???
Why are you so mad...???

Rain : Because if I am sincere to you even you should be sincere to me

Payu : You're behaving as if I am playing with that Zen. He is just my PA

Rain : I said I don't care
I have changed a lot Payu better leave me to be like this instead of me going back to my old self again

Payu : Wait a second

He takes his phone and calls someone and informs the person to arrange other car for Zen

Payu : Wait I will be back

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