My true answer ❤️

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Rain heart was completely broken. He directly goes to Tony and asks him to show the way to bar counter

Tony shows him the direction to bar counter. Rain goes there and starts drinking

Payu comes back to party hall and starts searching for Rain but couldn't find him anywhere at last he goes to Tony and asks him

Tony : Rain asked me the direction to bar counter and went there

Listening to this Payu was about to go there but two of his clients meets him in middle and he gets stuck there

About half an hour passed when Rain comes back to party hall completely drunk

He looks at few random people dancing on the dance floor and goes there

He pulls one of the Alpha and starts dancing with him

Tony goes to Payu and tells him what's happening

Payu excuses everyone and runs near the dance floor to see Rain making some other Alpha to touch his waist and dance very closely

Even that Alpha was drunk and was about to sniff Rain's exposed neck

Payu goes there and drags that guy away from Rain and punches hard on his face and when he falls down he sits on him

Payu : Don't you dare...!!!

After that he gets up but Rain was not to be found there

Tony says Rain walked outside

Payu runs outside to see Rain walking on the road not even aware of what he was doing and where he was going

Payu goes and holds Rain's hand

Rain looks at him and pushes him away

Payu : Come let's go home

Rain : You piece of shit which home are you speaking about....???

You bloody nerd I don't want to live with you

Payu : Rain you're drunk...
Come let's go home

Rain : Hey you fucker I will die here but never come into your life again

Payu : I know I am bad but come home now

Rain holds Payu's collar

Rain : You know what...???
From the start I hated nerds but now I feel disgusted when I see nerds like you

That Benz was far better than you because he didn't take advantage like you did instead he directly did what he wanted to do and ran away

Bloody fucker you know what marking each other means...???

I gave my body along with my soul to you but you still wanted to win in your revenge. Good you won because I am not going to live with a piece a shit like you anymore

Payu doesn't say anything and carries Rain forcefully on his shoulders

Rain : Leave me you fucking nerd

Payu carries him to the car and ties his hands using his belt

Then he starts driving

Rain keeps on shouting but Payu doesn't even speak a word back

Until they reach home Rain gets tired and because of drinking till his throat he dozes off on the car

Payu carries him to his room and puts him down the bed and removes his shoes

He goes and sleeps next to Rain

After about an hour Rain starts crying in his sleep

Payu : Rain... what happened....???

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