Rain's pov to be rude before !!!

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(Authors note : This is Rain's side of story since many of the readers wanted even Rain's pov in the story and the reason why he was rude to Payu in his college days)

4 years ago :

Rain had a bestie girl named Pia. She was such a cute girl. She was simple and down to earth natured. She loved to take care of everyone and always brought smile on Rain's face

Pia and Rain were very good friends. Rain always treated her like his own sister and loved her a lot. He was always ready to do anything for her and protect her

Pia was a simple girl and never been in any relationship but....

Once a boy looking like a nerd approached her and he started to get close to her.
Pia liked him a lot because he was a nerd and a innocent guy

Rain always found something was not good and tried to warn her many times but she always said that the guy (Benz) was a innocent and a nerd

Once Benz proposed Pia and she liked him. Both started going out for dates

Rain tried a lot to warn Pia but it was of no use because she liked Benz a lot

One fine day Benz invites her to a date and turns out he was a psycho and a womaniser
He tortures Pia and rapes her that night...

After raping her he takes his passport and runs away from the country

This incident badly effects Pia's mental health and she also goes into coma for several months

Rain was completely heart broken to see his dearest Pia in that state. He tried a lot to find Benz and give justice to her but he couldn't find him anywhere

This incident breaks Rain's heart into several pieces and makes him rude and vulnerable and not to love anyone going forward in his life

Upon all these Pia's parents shifts her to another city in order to bring changes in her life.
She comes out of her coma but still so scared of everything

When Rain went to meet her she was even scared to talk to him

All these made Rain so deeply hurt

After two years of that incident Payu came and proposed Rain looking like a nerd which reminded him of Benz and he badly humiliates him

He thinks everyone are the same and even Payu was just another Benz

That was the main reason he humiliates Payu in front of everyone because only Benz came in front of him in the form of Payu

Authors note : So this is the story which made Rain so rude and humiliate Payu

Hope you all liked it ☺️☺️☺️

This is just a small chapter telling Rain's pov. Next chapter of both Payu and Rain making each other will be published next 🤗🤗🤗

I love you all 😘😘😘

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