Pitch POV

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Pitch found the young woman in front of him very, very fascinating.

Milk chocolate brown hair that was styled as a somewhat disheveled pixie cut, like she had chosen to do that on purpose by running her fingers through her very thick hair repeatedly.

Her dark brown eyes were the near exact color of dark chocolate, but there was also a ring of dark purple next to her pupils, which Pitch found very interesting; she had fair skin with a light tan; and a tiny splash of faint freckles that made the beautiful color of her eyes stand out and were spread across her face but were tucked under her light lavender purple, rectangular glasses that were slipping down her straight nose a little.

She had pale pink Cupid's bow lips, and Pitch couldn't help but notice that her lower lip was slightly fuller than her upper lip. There was a ring on her left index finger, a silver pendant around her neck, a dark purple baggy t-shirt, paired with a leather jacket that was a size or two bigger than her, jet black boot-cut jeans, and jet black combat boots. Her nice style was effortlessly casual, yet reserved, giving off an air of intensity and intrigue.

The expression on her face was one of anger and irritation, but her eyes held warmth and kindness to them, softening the overall impression she gave off. It was very clear that she was someone who valued comfort, yet was willing to fight for what she believed in if necessary. Her body language exuded pure confidence and kind determination, with a subtle hint of gentle vulnerability hidden beneath the tough exterior.

The way she carried herself spoke volumes about her strong sense of self and unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. Overall, she seemed like a force to be reckoned with, yet also someone who could be trusted and relied upon in times of need. Pitch bowed slightly at the waist and flashed her a small smile.

"Greetings, my lady. I am Pitch Black. It's very nice to meet you," Pitch said formally, and the young woman made a face of mild surprise before quickly composing herself.

"Hm. The pleasure is mine, Pitch Black. Your reputation precedes you. I'm Mikayla," she replied with a small smile, her eyes assessing him with a mix of both curiosity and respect.

It was clear that she was not one to be easily swayed or intimidated, even in the presence of someone as renowned as Pitch. Her calm demeanor and respectful attitude hinted at a strength of character that matched his own.

Pitch could sense that staying with her would be an interesting one, as he admired the young woman's composure. He just knew that their interaction would be one of mutual respect and intrigue.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Pitch couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead with Mikayla by his side. The air between them crackled with potential, a silent understanding passing between them that promised an exciting journey ahead.

Pitch looked over her shoulder at the large but very lovely three-story mansion that stood proudly behind her. Quietly nestled in the very woodland itself, as humble as any rock face in these parts, the massive mansion gave Pitch the feeling that Mikayla had chosen this very specific place to hide her home, along with herself, from all of those who meant to do more harm than good.

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