Pitch POV

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Over the past few days, Pitch somehow began to see Mikayla in a brand new light. He found himself completely mesmerized by her soft beauty, captivated by the way her brown eyes sparkled. Mikayla's very introverted personality matched his own perfectly.

He had quickly noticed that Mikayla was a tremendously pretty, gentle, caring, and complex person who could feel what another person was feeling quite easily, but she couldn't seem to figure out her own emotions for her life, and that was paired with the fact that she was very intuitive, creative, imaginative, and sensitive. He also noticed that she was a very old soul, so unwaveringly kind, quietly forceful, and conscientious, and had a deep desire to do what was right.

Pitch also noted that she wasn't very coordinated because she often tripped over her own two feet or over nothing, but that didn't outweigh the fact that she walked with a purpose, like she knew what she was doing and where she was going. When she spoke, she spoke with her hands and with quite a few exasperated sighs, but that was when they were speaking about general things.

But when they spoke of topics that Mikayla knew the best and loved dearly, her eyes lit up, and she spoke more upbeat and gregariously, using more and more gestures with her hands and nearly turning into someone entirely different for the duration of that conversation. It was really quite fascinating to witness the lovely transformation in Mikayla when she delved into her favorite subjects.

Her demeanor became animated, and she tripped and stumbled over her words in her excitement to share her knowledge, always rambling about everything she knew about the topic.

Mikayla was also hilarious because she constantly kept Pitch in stitches with her funny stories and dark humor, and he would often burst into laughter at Mikayla's witty remarks and clever comebacks. Her ability to find humor in even the most mundane situations made her a joy to be around, and her dark humor added an unexpected twist to their conversations.

Pitch found himself constantly entertained by Mikayla's quick wit and ability to turn nearly any situation into a comedic moment. Her dark humor added a unique and refreshing dynamic to their talks, and it made their time together even more enjoyable than what he was used to. Pitch also noticed that Mikayla was almost always in constant motion, using her hands to drum on tables, tap her fingers on her knee, or wildly gesture as she spoke.

One little thing that Mikayla did that Pitch found positively endearing was that she would poke at him whenever he had gotten lost in thought and had been silent for a bit too long. But whenever Pitch spoke, she always listened attentively to him, silently nodding her head along to his words and occasionally interjecting with curious questions or comments. Mikayla had a very intense calm about her, despite her constant movement, and Pitch found himself liking her even more because of it.

But Pitch shoved those thoughts out of his head. Mikayla had been dreaming of him. Of the him that wasn't taken over by the Fearlings. It seemed that she had been dreaming about him for weeks, and he didn't want to believe it. He'd heard of it centuries ago, but he never believed it.

Reincarnation was just a concept he couldn't wrap his head around. The idea of Mikayla being a reincarnation of someone from his past life was both intriguing and unsettling to him. It opened up a whole new realm of possibilities and questions that he wasn't sure he was ready to explore.

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